i knew we were fucked over global warming. but i never thought it would happen this fast..

Dorian Gray's Avatar
Ihre verwendung eines punktes anstelle eines kommas ist abscheulich
: Your use of a period instead of a comma is atrocious :
This fast? It's been occurring for 150 years. This was predicted in 1890's when CO2 levels hit an all time high (been rising ever since) and some scientist started warning about severe consequences in the 1940's. Now there is not an accredited climatologist, meteorologist, environmental chemist, etc. that will deny it's occurrence.
Those people that do deny it have never read scientific journals or books, attended seminars or taken classes, i.e., they have never "studied" it. Most likely they have based their opinion on someone else's opinion.
Ihre verwendung eines punktes anstelle eines kommas ist abscheulich
: Your use of a period instead of a comma is atrocious : Originally Posted by Dorian Gray
Not as atrocious as corresponding in German language to an all English speaking message board.