Ripping and Playing....Can you and do you?

Maybe its just my processor.. or my Ram... but for some bizarre reason, I can't Rip a CD AND play it at the same time.

My lap is vibrating and spewing like it should... ( I suppose )..; I feel the 'earth' within it spinning... but IT WON'T MF PLAY.

Is this a new M.O. from the music producers to drive me to drink or WHAT?

OR.. Alternatively.. do I JUST need a new P.C.?

If you have suggestions or Love you can offer... I'm still here waiting.

Moo chaz gracias.

( btw; this was a frustration post.. not a mad one. )
Lust4xxxLife's Avatar
Which application are you using to rip the CDs?
OF course, the one that came standard on my POS machine. Windows Media Player....

Sound Familiar? WMP... BUT... my machine , has a tendancy of repeating history.. and once , while back.. my LAP stopped reading deep.. ; rather the cd rom did anyway.. and I had to check it into the clinic to be repaired.

THAT processss INSUED in some MAJOR jaymor DRAMA that I won't discuss outloud or with digits.. but it was book writin worthy.. that much I'll say for sure.

ONCE again.. I have pilots promising.. rom's not reading.. and rams not fitting.

any suggestions?

oh gawd.

in the shower.. I think that'll be the most fun I'll have all day..

better make it a good one.. huh.

yea huh.

why do you ask.. and do wish you hadn't?
i am the the the VERY best "Timex girl".
(regardless of wich brand you wear.. its more than a watch)