Too Many? WHAT is too many? Why don't some understand WHERE experience comes from?

Whispers's Avatar
My current SB has slept with just 1 man before me. 3 bad attempts that caused her pain. At no time did she reach orgasm and it wasn't until the 3rd night with me that she did and yesterday she experienced her first round of what I refer to as Rolling O's... where you get a lady to that point... right on the edge... and push her off and as fast as she starts..... bring her back in some fasion (a well placed"nibble" can create immediate distraction)..... She started having multiple o's in the last week and toys are no longer needed..... Of course toys are making their way back into play next time as we round out her training....

She is not from any industry remotely associated with any of us here..... She is a small town latina with puritan views created by her catholic upbringing.... or so she was when we met.... very surprising considering she just started her JR year at a local university.

Her friends/roommates are cut from the same cloth from the same small border town and I have no doubt that the 3 of them are as innocent as she was when we started.


She has listed to some of my stories, knew of a couple of previous SBs and the discussion the other night of "how many girls" I have slept with came up.....

She had done the math and made the determination that it was "Ten".... I laughed a bit and some chit chat occurred and she asked...... and I pretended to start counting on my fingers looking thoughtfully in the air.....

After about 3 resets approaching 40 she grabbed my hands and said never mind. She did not want to know..... She pronounced "OMG if it was one for every year you have been alive that would be too many!"


That got me thinking along those lines and about all the guys that have been married to one lady..... all of their life..... How boring and plain their lives must be sexually.

I could easily scare the shit out of her and truthfully say.... "Somewhere along the lines one for every other week of my life".....

There was a very humorous moment as she was coming to terms with the fact that there might be close to 50 or more when I looked at her very seriously and asked "We are not counting one night stands right?"

What I would give for a picture of her face at that moment.....

Anyway..... Women tend to comment, after spending an evening with me, about a variety of things that come up.... The places I've been, work I've done, people I know, and skills I have picked up along the way as well.

I tend to let them know simply... "I'm old.... Over the years you do things and learn things"

Very few ladies ever seem to care about how many girls came before them as our time is being spent together out of a financial arrangement..... This only seems to come up in a relationship.......

And there is a definite difference in the sexes...... Most tend to ENJOY an experienced partner. At times I want to experience that but most of the time I prefer a less experienced gal that can be taught which is where my tastes for longer sessions with strippers and SBs developed.....

Some questions....

1) Guys... How important is an experienced sexual partner to you in your Hobby Pursuit?

2) Guys... Is there a point/number of partners that you would not want a lady you met as a domestic partner in life?

3)Gals..... Does your experience interfere at all in your personal life when taking on a new partner to the point of having learned to maybe "dial it back a notch"?

4)Gals..... In selecting a partner..... Has or is his prior promiscuity going to be an issue for you?
Still Looking's Avatar
Some questions....

1) Guys... How important is an experienced sexual partner to you in your Hobby Pursuit? I'll train them if I need too!

2) Guys... Is there a point/number of partners that you would not want a lady you met as a domestic partner in life? NO! Don't care or want to know what she did yesterday only today and tomorrow!

3)Gals..... Does your experience interfere at all in your personal life when taking on a new partner to the point of having learned to maybe "dial it back a notch"? SLAMDANGOŽ Backlash

4)Gals..... In selecting a partner..... Has or is his prior promiscuity going to be an issue for you? I hope not... I'll have it out of my system... well sort of!
Originally Posted by Whispers
3) I don't necessarily dial much back, but I've confused a handful of fuck buddies and exbfs. Where the hell did you learn to suck dick like that? How the hell do you know how to give a handy-j like that? Why do you own so much weird lingerie? I'm not saying I'm the most skilled woman out there, but surely any somewhat successful provider has more tricks up her sleeve than the average civvie. Also, one night stands are often a little shocked when I start getting dressed and refuse to cuddle. Friends are also stunned with my knowledge about certain sex-related topics when we're a few beers deep, but that's another topic all together.

4) A new partner's previous promiscuity has absolutely been an issue for me in the past. If he fesses up to sleeping with fewer than 10 to 15 women, I'm disinterested. Well, if he actually knows his number at all, I'm disinterested. One, it means it's low enough to mentally count or two, it means he's the type of person who's keeping count on paper and that's fucked up. There are exceptions, perhaps, I just haven't met one yet.
mrhamm's Avatar
1) Guys... How important is an experienced sexual partner to you in your Hobby Pursuit?

2) Guys... Is there a point/number of partners that you would not want a lady you met as a domestic partner in life? Originally Posted by Whispers
1. It is very important to me. I'm looking to be pleasured, not teach someone.

2. I don't care about quantity. A high quantity in a very young girl will is a sign of turmoil in her life, and a sign of very few partners for an older lady is a sign of a devoted wife, or someone who can't make a connection. At either extreme, you know there are problems to look for going in.
1. Experience is icing on the cake. I'd rather have attraction over experience.

2. The past is the past. Who cares about numbers after one reaches a certain age.

When I was in high school and college, the question of how many sexual partners one had was a huge deal. Now that I'm older, we don't even ask each other that shit. There comes a point when that question is just plain irrelevant and even a little rude.
1. i like them to be experienced does not mean 500 guys but at least 10-20
2. i could care less, I cannot sit here and say OMG you fuk 50 guys!! when I fuked over 250 women...
Kit-4-Kat's Avatar
At 18 yrs old, I did a count and was at 50 - mostly one-night stands. I joke about that being really training for my later career as an escort.

One reason I eschew the cougar label is that I am not looking for someone who has to be taught. I want my playmates to bring something to the table, too. It makes for much more exciting sex. I have found guys about 10 yrs younger than me are a good fit. I'm a bit goofy and young at heart, have a very high libido and plenty of restless Aries energy to out fuck men and women half my age. But, gotta get that mental connection, too, so maturity is important also.

My first eight months as an escort, I had approximately 400 partners. That simply blew my mind when I thought about it, and is probably doing so to some of you as you read this. It is what it is and I thank my lucky stars I'm still healthy and despite some mid-life crises depression, relatively sane with a positive attitude about sex and intimacy.

I sure hope none of you guys are going to hold it against me that I was actually honest here. Lol