OK this might be a really Weird question. (bare with me and prepare yourselves...)

Secret_Amore's Avatar
nibbling on the penis tip? yay? nay? thoughts? opinions? wtf questions...

ok this really weird idea popped into my head while i was taking a shower and thinking about different things to try during sex. for some reason nibbling on a guys penis popped into my head (bear not covered) kinda an extension or the ear nibbling technique...I'm wondering would this be an enjoyable experience (for the guy obviously) or would it just feel weird...and did anyone else picture a hamster sipping on its feeder when i mentioned this idea cause i kinda did O.O'
JohnnyYanks's Avatar
I assumed you would be nibbling with your tongue and tonsils.
Secret_Amore's Avatar
actually in my mind it was more just the lips not sure how you nibble with your tongue you can flick and lick but i can't see nibbling. and with tonsils....yea dun see that either.

I'm getting mine remove this year, yay there are so many things i hope will improve with the removal of my tonsils. ^_^
Whispers's Avatar
You really should practice what I do..... Write your threads offline and then read them back to yourself and imagine the response and then adapt.

I think here you display exactly why you HAVE the time to be here asking inane questions rather than earning....

How can you claim to have the oral skills you advertise that you possess and have a question of this nature? It displays a total lack of knowledge of the sensitivity or male anatomy....
Yes, how dare you ask questions about sexual technique to potential clients in a co-ed forum on a hooker review board! Next thing you know, someone's going to start a thread about why dudes like strip clubs -- it's a slippery slope.

Guys like it all, really. One guy I knew liked me to bite his base as hard as I could until he exhaled while he counted out my bites (luckily I never broke skin). We made it up to over 30 once before he blew his load. A fwb of mine awarded me an invalid Nobel Peace Prize for my tip work, whereas most dudes jump out of their skin and cry "mercy!" at the same moves. Some require a hand while others consider it cheating. I watch a lot of blowie porn simply for technique ideas and I'm constantly learning new tricks to try on certain participants.

All that being said, I have known a few boys that love nibbles. Nibbles on the boys, at the base, tugging at their foreskin, and along their ridge for the daring. And yes, I'm talking teeth.
Loxly's Avatar
  • Loxly
  • 10-14-2013, 11:12 PM
Organ Grinder = BBBJ w/chipped tooth

Closest I've had would be my friend with the pierced tongue (ball) making laps around the head. Nibbles on other parts of the body but that's it.
Secret_Amore's Avatar
Him....I must watch some porn for technique ideas...