Create your perfect woman.

albatross1's Avatar
If you could create your ideal woman, what would she look like? Height, hair color/style, breast type/size, nipple type, ass type, etc, etc...
PoppyToyota's Avatar
There's one lady who I wouldn't change anything on her. Looks, Personality, Class she's very special. Unfortunately she doesn't like the extra attention and is no longer a provider. So she will remain nameless unless she tells me otherwise.
CenterLock's Avatar
All that can be found in her profile which I neither have permission nor inclination to copy and post here. But she darned sure fits the bill for me.
Perfect just as they are -

Sensuous Serenity - Perfect challenge to keep up with

Meryl - Perfect FuckSubPartner

Lindsey Lacey - Perfect Domme Twin

Mistress Pandora - Perfect chameleon

Kyndra - Perfect L1

Isabella Mercery - Perfect massage with a twist

There are more. I know this was to create one perfect one, but why change them, if it was 1 perfect one, it would be Stepford Wives... Bah...

I like them with their quirks and challenges, where would the fun be otherwise?

billw1032's Avatar
~Ze~ Oh, but wait. Now that I think about it, I've never seen anything close to a complete picture of Ze. Hmmm... Never mind.
Hercules's Avatar
Denise Milani. If she were to turn to the dark side I'd sell the house, cars and one testicle to tag that.
Precision45's Avatar
If I had my "Weird Science" moment, I would create Jessica Alba with J-Lo's booty, Jessica Simpson's hoohoo's and Jesse Janes sex-drive

That's about as perfect as a woman I can think of.
PoppyToyota's Avatar
There's one lady who I wouldn't change anything on her. Looks, Personality, Class she's very special. Unfortunately she doesn't like the extra attention and is no longer a provider. So she will remain nameless unless she tells me otherwise. Originally Posted by PoppyToyota

The Original Becky...I'm talkin' about you my dear! Everytime we meet I'm just in awe and wondering if I'm in a dream. Then when I realize it's not a dream. I fight myself to stay awake cause it can't get any better if I were to fall asleep.
This could be fun (and I second Poppy's motion about Becky--only met her once, but wow!). Some of these I've met, some only seen in photos, but if I was creating:

Feet: Carrie Hillcrest
Legs: Jacxxx
Ass: Miss Parker (left cheek) and Chelsea Simms (right one)
Torso: MikahRanae
Throat: Italian Princess
Boobs: Ze
Mouth/Lips: Caitie Mae
Attitude: Dannie
Wit: Fawn
Eyes: UTR Jessica
Hair: Dana of Dallas

FishGuy13's Avatar
What about Jessica Rabbit? or Rachael Ray? Or 'The one that says YES!"
Awww thanks Texas T
Katie Foxx
berkleigh's Avatar
Did someone call my name? Lol....

I would like to say my eyes she is perfect!
Her looks, her body, her personality, her convo ..... she has class.

Myself on the otherhand....I feel sorry for the man who actually ends up with me.
(God Bless him as I am a complicated handful)
Katie Foxx Originally Posted by piquant2009
+1...Hell, plus a million.
I'm surprised nobody has said "one who doesn't spend money or talk" lol