Recruiting new Hobbyist...Providers...How did you do it?

TexasFlip's Avatar
Not sure if this should be in the Men's Room, but I guess it can also apply to the ladies also. How many of you have actually recruited people into the hobby. It got me thinking because I have done it twice, and now I can actually share some of these "adventures" and "escapades" over a beer with these guys with no fear of it bleeding into my civilian life.

Now I know that there are happy hours and such where the Dallas community gets together. I wish I could join in for these events and I think all of you would be great to hang out with, but for some of us that have to lead a "double" life, we have to hide all of this, and I mean all, from our normal life. Hence we take to this board as our way to participate in the community.

Luckily I've worked with these guys for several years and became familiar with their situation and current relationship. When I saw that it had come to the point that drove me here I slowly dropped hints about an alternative life (much like myself, divorce, counseling, therapy had already been discussed) that can be had. They all took to the hints and were surprised at how much Dallas had to offer. I think it's actually driven them to produce more in sales because now they have to worry about a Hobby budget.

So my questions to everyone is, have you ever recruited someone into the hobby? Ladies have you ever recruited someone into being a provider. When I say recruit, I mean the person had no idea what you did and you introduced them. If you did what did you do and how did it turn out? Are you still close to that person and is it a secret that you now keep with them? How has it affected their relationship that they were trying to fix? This list can go on....hmmmmm.
I have thought about it, watching GFs struggle...shitty job market, no man to take care of them.

But in the end I just couldn't do it because the hobby is such a double-edged sword. I would hate to feel even a little bit responsibe for someone getting in trouble with LE, catching something, getting abused in some way by a hobbyist, etc.

Of course I know that the likelyhood of that happening is super slim to none! But I am sometimes a "worst case scenerio" sort of person.

I have two GFs that would be perfect and they are in financial shambles...but they are SO FLAKY and unreliable that I wouldn't want them associated with me on the boards! Y'all would be mad at me, they would be NCNS queens!!! Lol...all that along with my "worst case scenerio" line of thinking.

Of course I never say never! If they actually asked me for help I prolly couldn't tell them no.

I know this is not exactly what you were looking for, just sharing my random thoughts for the day
I have introduced a couple of guys to this world but never have told any ladies about it.

To be honest, I don't really KNOW that many ladies anyway...much less that need to be involved here.
TexasFlip's Avatar
Marla and Vnurse - thanks for chiming in, I was beginning to think I was the only person that found themselves in this situation. This is exactly what I was looking for. One of the big things I consider is if I think the person in question can handle the additional financial load of the hobby. Much like gambling, it can be addicting. Also dependent on how much it's on your mind it's a very costly hobby, both mentally and physically. Luckily (or perhaps not) we have two heads to think with
Lol, it is prolly UNLUCKY to have two heads to think about the hobby...because God only gave most men enough blood to run one head at a time!

Just teasing ya!
Red Tex's Avatar
Marla do these friends have any idea you are a provider?
Marla do these friends have any idea you are a provider? Originally Posted by Red Tex

One does, and the other I suspect has some idea becuse we have a hobbyist friend in common who is sometimes not very discreet.

BUT OMG THEY ARE BOTH SO FLAKY!!! And it is funny that the one girl who is most likely to be interested in it is the flakiest one
FishGuy13's Avatar
Sorry I missed this one. I have not and am not sure if I would just out of the blue so to speak, but if someone found out what I do it would still depend on a number of things. Could they handle the whole double life things like if SO's and family found out, LEO's, to how it could affect thier job even like Marla said how they would reflect on me if they flaked out. Hmm, but in the end yes I think I would introduce a guy to the hobby. A lady on the other hand oddly enough the better I knew her the less likley I would be to suggest this line of work. If on the other hand if she seemed like she was going to do it one way or another I'd want to keep her safe and have fun with it. I'd probally introudce her to a few people here and give her a few tips I have picked up along the way.
It can be a crazy thing for sure. The guys that I have introduced have done okay as far as I know but I honestly have never met any ladies that I think could handle it!

The money can be SO intoxicating to someone not mature enough to handle it and mistakes are BOUND to be made.

I wouldn't have even told the guys if I didn't think they had good judgement.

It's all a slippery slope sometimes...
TexasFlip's Avatar
I agree with you 100% FishGuy when it comes to introducing ladies...the less I know about them the more likely I would to introduce them to the hobby if their a situation warranted it. Unfortunately, I feel the ladies that become part of the hobby to get out of a "financial situation" aren't successful. I would think that for them this is a big life decision and need to really enjoy what they're doing to stay sane and successful. I guess this applies to any profession. Ladies, feel free to correct me if I'm wrong.

Another thing that I find interesting is when when co-workers or friends of mine drop subtle hints to me about the hobby. Some will make comments like "you'd be surprised how big the escort industry is here" or some would ask "you ever been to one of those massage places off of harry hines". Sometimes I don't know if they want to share one of their secrets or if they suspect me.

I'm a pretty laid back guy, and wives typically give the "no Stripclub" rule when they know their husbands are hanging out with me, so I suspect that latter. In that case, I wonder if they're recruiting me to recruit them?? Make sense?
pmdelites's Avatar
It can be a crazy thing for sure. The guys that I have introduced have done okay as far as I know but I honestly have never met any ladies that I think could handle it!

The money can be SO intoxicating to someone not mature enough to handle it and mistakes are BOUND to be made.

I wouldn't have even told the guys if I didn't think they had good judgement.

It's all a slippery slope sometimes... Originally Posted by vnurse
and those guys became hobbyists or providers????

back to the OP's thought, i've been doing this 10+ yrs and i have NEVER shared with any other guy or woman about this world - either my experiences or about them becoming a hobbyist or a provider [tho there are a few women i wish would become providers cos it aint happening any other way]. i wouldn't want to be responsible or be a cause to anything that would happen if they started. if they asked if i was involved in this sub-culture, i'd deny deny deny!!!

now, if they asked if i knew about this world, i'd say "well, why dont you do a websearch for 'blowjobs dallas' or 'escorts dallas' or whatever? i'm sure there's info out there" [just as i would for any hobby]. but again, i wouldnt incriminate myself.

now, if they asked if i wanted to accompany them to a topless or nude dancing club, that's a different question.
pm...the guys became hobbyists NOT providers! LOL!

I have friends that know about my very private life and I even told one girlfriend that if she wanted to join me, she could just to give it a shot. She didn't want any part of it! And she is one of my most open-minded friends! Go figure!