I hope I don't come off sounding like an ass for this. But I'm getting pretty tired of being asked for money, or out right donations, from providers who I hardly know or have never met in person. I've been asked numerous times in the last few months and not only does it put me in a very uncomfortable position but it really is a big turn off for me. The chances of me booking a session with you are greatly diminished if you beg me for money. LOL If it is not the outright begging for money it is the old, "I'm broke, please some play with me" line.
I completely understand if something tragic happens to someone and they are in need of some help. That's a whole different matter all together and when I can, I help those in need.
I guess I come off as a nice guy to those who can't budget for themselves. maybe I need to add something to my signature line that states I do not donate to broke providers. I don't know but this is getting kind of ridiculous. Three times in the last two days, time to put a stop to it!
Surely I'm not the only one getting hammered by these requests? Does this happen to you?
Go ahead. Light me up. I'm a big boy and can take it.