
I have a very nice apartment in Austin that I am only at on various weekends. What are thoughts on allowing a provider or providers to use the place when visiting from time to time at a discounted rate to a nice hotel? Or even offering it to a local provider for weekday sessions?

If I wanted to do this how would I screen them and know that the place would be kept clean and safe since I would not be there to monitor.

This may be a stupid idea but thought I would throw it out there anyway.
Personally, although I think it is a VERY nice gesture, I think that this could end badly.

Even if you screened, screened and screened some more, all it would take would be one neighbor complaining and the chances of LE getting involved is GREATLY possible. I'm not sure what that would mean for you IF that happened but isn't there a possibility they could confiscate your belongings or something?

I just wouldn't want to have to explain to the apartment manager what happened or how "they" gained access to your apartment.

Not a "stupid" idea but I'd sure give it lots of thought!
Guest032213-02's Avatar
Isn't Subletting the same thing as being a switch? Letting the sub take control?
Well, if they can prove you knew that the person you let use the place was a prosititute, I can see all kind of negative fallout.

Not sure what your position in life is, but look at it another way. If a provider get's busted at your place, you are going to have to answer questions from LE, from the apartment manager, and to paraphrase a term of Reagonomics, with trickle down fallout, answer to wife, employer, or anyone else that might have a hand in the apartment setup.

I'd lump this one in the 'sounds good at first, but after more thought, maybe not so good an idea' category and look for other ways to make some money or get some honey on the side.

While they may not be able to tie any illegal activities to you personally, most of us here do not need or want to have to answer any LE questions. It just will not be good for a real world reputation.

So I strongly vote with VNurse on this one.

FYI, I once paid for a room with a lady I trusted deeply, and offered to let her use the room after we finished. She said no way would she expose me to that sort of risk. If she was to get busted with a later date in a room rented by me, she did not want to be responsible for the repercussions.

That is a case of a lady having my back, and a sign of a first class provider for worrying more about me than her bottom line. (And oh, she had such a fine bottom, I might add.)
Thanks for the replies. Sounds like just letting it sit empty when I am not there is the best thing to do.
FishGuy13's Avatar
Not sure exactly how it might work but on the more honest side of things post in the employee lounge of a major airline for flight crews on lay overs, you know they go through TSA security and some kind of background check from the airline. It might work like a timeshare type of thing where they have it on certain days and you on certain other days. It would sure beat a motel or what ever kind of place they stay at provided by the airline.
Just my 2 cents, and heres to hoping you get some hot young open minded ....
That actually sounds like an idea that may be worth checking into. Thanks,