How men can help women oragsm

  • Chloe
  • 04-28-2010, 12:21 AM
Remember that most women need stimulation of the clitoris. This is the part of them that would have turned into a penis, had they developed as males – and it's just as important to women as the penis is to a man.

Remember that love, romance, cuddling and a good atmosphere turn women on in the early stages of a sex session – just as much as your caresses do.

Take your time.

Caress her breasts – a few women learn to climax through breast fondling alone.

Give her oral sex. Most women adore this and some claim that they cannot come unless a man 'goes down' on them.

Don't be too proud to ask her to show you what she wants.

Don’t hesitate to use a vibrator, if she likes the idea. The new ‘tongue vibrators’ may be helpful.

Have some sex sessions, where you encourage her to take the initiative and to decide the agenda.

If you lose control and come before her, do try to summon some energy to kiss and stimulate her, so that she can climax too.

Do tell her that she's marvellous, sexy and beautiful
  • "Women's attitudes towards (and willingness to perform) various sexual practices are more likely than men's to change over time.
  • Women who regularly attend church are less likely to have permissive attitudes about sex. Men do not show this connection between church attendance and sex attitudes.
  • Women are more influenced by the attitudes of their peer group in their decisions about sex.
  • Women with higher education levels were more likely to have performed a wider variety of sexual practices (such as oral sex); education made less of a difference with men.
  • Women were more likely than men to show inconsistency between their expressed values about sexual activities such as premarital sex and their actual behavior. "
cnym's Avatar
  • cnym
  • 04-28-2010, 08:03 AM
where you encourage her to take the initiative and to decide the agenda.
Originally Posted by Chloe
Last time I tried to ask her what she likes and wants to do. I was told that this was MY fantacy date !!!!!!!!!
cnym's Avatar
  • cnym
  • 04-28-2010, 08:04 AM
  • Women who regularly attend church are less likely to have permissive attitudes about sex. Men do not show this connection between church attendance and sex attitudes.
  • Women are more influenced by the attitudes of their peer group in their decisions about sex.
Originally Posted by Chloe
As far as the SO.
You hit the nail on the head
Fancyinheels's Avatar
  • Women who regularly attend church are less likely to have permissive attitudes about sex. Men do not show this connection between church attendance and sex attitudes.
Originally Posted by Chloe
So gasping "Oh, Jesus, don't stop!" doesn't qualify as religious worship for females, huh?Damn, that's as close as I ever get to God.
MajorHands's Avatar
Color me as a purist, but while I have used them in play from time to time to good effect, I tend to think of using vibrators as "cheating", or at least a shortcut. I have, however, learned the lesson of the vibrator and have looked for ways to introduce a similar effect on my own. Throwing a vibe into the mix from time to time is fine, particularly to get those harder to reach 3rd, 4th, 5th, etc orgasms. On the other hand, if a vibe was regularly necessary just to reach orgasm in the first place, I'm pretty sure I'd lose interest in the person as a sexual partner. My libido is too closely tied to my ability to bring my partner pleasure.

A few years ago, I was doing a rub n tug appointment in the old Scentsation Center (RIP) and the attendant told me that the only time she ever cums with another person is when she uses a vibrator while her husband fucked her. She didn't think she had the capacity to orgasm any other way. (I remember thinking that was terribly sad for them both)

It was a few years ago, so I can't remember if she told me that before or after I'd just helped her have three orgasms in a fairly short time through DATY/Digits. Okay, there's no way that isn't a bit self-congratulatory, but there is a happy ending, (aside from the one she gave me). I should also mention, in fairness, that up until that time and once in a while after that session, I was not able to help her get off despite some valiant efforts. I really appreciated when she leveled with me that it wasn't going to happen. It made the times when it did a bit more special.

Now that she knew that she could get off if her partner was diligent enough, she did manage to recreate the experience with her husband. I confess I felt pretty good about that. (Yes, NormalBob, another chance to make the world a better Sadly despite her success, she didn't have a lot of repeat episodes because her husband didn't want to work that hard. I saw her a couple years later and found out she'd left him...shocker.
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g post
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 04-28-2010, 05:53 PM
g post Originally Posted by sunfish
Can anyone here translate 'sunfish' for me?
Doove, I think he decided to leave the "ood" off of "good" to save time.
  • Chloe
  • 04-28-2010, 08:28 PM
The statements above are not my words, chunks of articles pasted together. I thought it would be a fun read

So gasping "Oh, Jesus, don't stop!" doesn't qualify as religious worship for females, huh?Damn, that's as close as I ever get to God. Originally Posted by Fancyinheels
Yeah funny, it can be debated . . . I know a few reverend hobbiests . . . yet I also know a reverend (female) provider! lol

Majorhands - It must have rubbed off on me all of your experiences you post, I am starting to want to go have them myself!!!
  • Women with higher education levels were more likely to have performed a wider variety of sexual practices (such as oral sex); education made less of a difference with men.
Originally Posted by Chloe
Should we start a new scholarship fund?


Click it
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 04-28-2010, 09:23 PM
Doove, I think he decided to leave the "ood" off of "good" to save time. Originally Posted by China Doll
And here i thought he might have meant to leave the 'reat' off of 'great' for that very purpose. Once again, this board proves a g resource for information.

T f c t u M D.
  • Chloe
  • 04-28-2010, 11:31 PM
Should we start a new scholarship fund?


Click it
Originally Posted by NormalBob
I have quite a few labels already but I would like some more . . . I would like to apply for the sexual therapist scholarship fund . . . just to make the label official lol
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  • Doove
  • 05-01-2010, 09:36 PM
My libido is too closely tied to my ability to bring my partner pleasure. Originally Posted by MajorHands
I'll go ya one further. My pleasure is too closely tied to my ability(or lack thereof) to bring my partner pleasure.

7 hobbying experiences in over 2 years, and in 3 of those 7, i didn't personally get off. But in only 1 of those 3 did i walk away disappointed with the encounter.

Believe me, i can't explain it either. I guess there's just more that i hope to take out of the encounter than just getting my own rocks off (excuse the french). And getting her rocks off is one of 'em (again, excuse the french).
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My problem runs in another way. The first time with any girl. I'm done in 1 to 5 min. I will look her in the eye and say " sorry I'm done way to soon". With one providers the next time I saw her. After I was done I looked her in the eye. And she said if you say "to soon" again I will get( ya that a nicer word get) you. So now I say it every time no matter how long it took. And she kicks me every time.
I guess there's just more that i hope to take out of the encounter than just getting my own rocks off (excuse the french). And getting her rocks off is one of 'em (again, excuse the french). Originally Posted by Doove
I'm sure the providers are willing to excuse your french.

I'd also think this one post of yours just made getting through the referral process a hell of a lot easier.