From a time when boxing was more than just Peewee Herman vs. Wayne Brady for the seventh time

Dorian Gray's Avatar
The Rumble in the Jungle

The Rumble in the Jungle was an historic boxing event in 1974 in Kinshasa, Zaire (now Democratic Republic of the Congo). Held at the 20th of May Stadium on the night of October 30, 1974 (4:00 am), it pitted the undefeated world heavyweight champion George Foreman against challenger Muhammad Ali, a former heavyweight champion. Ali won by knockout, putting Foreman down just before the end of the eighth round. It has been called "arguably the greatest sporting event of the 20th century".

In 1967, then-champion Ali was stripped of his title and suspended from boxing for 3½ years for his refusal to comply with the draft and enter the U.S. Army. In 1970, he first regained a boxing license and promptly fought comeback fights against Jerry Quarry and Oscar Bonavena in an attempt to regain the heavyweight championship from the then undefeated Joe Frazier. In a bout dubbed the Fight of the Century, Frazier scored a unanimous decision, leaving Ali fighting other contenders for years in an attempt at a new title shot.

Meanwhile, the heavily-muscled Foreman had quickly risen from a gold medal victory at the 1968 Olympics to the top ranks of professional heavyweights. Greatly feared for his punching power, size, and sheer physical dominance, Foreman was nonetheless underestimated by Frazier and his promoters, and knocked the champion down six times in two rounds before the bout was stopped. He further solidified his hold over the heavyweight division by demolishing the only man besides Frazier at the time to defeat Ali, Ken Norton, in two rounds. At 25 the younger and stronger Foreman seemed an overwhelming favorite against the well worn 32-year old Ali.

Foreman and Ali spent much of the summer of 1974 training in Zaire, getting acclimatised to its tropical African climate. The fight was originally set to happen in September 25, but Foreman was cut near his right eye during training (by sparring partner Bill McMurray, who was 33 years old) and the date pushed back to October 30.
Ali was awesome.

Have you ever been in a real fight DG or in a boxing ring? Seems unlikely but it gives you an adrenaline rush.
Russ38's Avatar
Cassius Clay was a bad motherfucker no doubt.....I just never got a grill out of him....
Slitlikr's Avatar
And you could watch them on one of the three channels for free.
No such thing as cable or ppv.
Us school kids used to bet a lot of lunch money on those fights.
He could probably go 45 rounds in church shoes. Well at least 30 rounds none of that weak 12 round shit.
It has been called "arguably the greatest sporting event of the 20th century".

.... Originally Posted by Dorian Gray
.... and he says "America is not for black people."[/b]

.... and he says "America is not for black people."[/b]

. Originally Posted by GlobeSpotter

Don T. Lukbak's Avatar
Fight plans went all wrong for both camps...

Foreman intended to capture Ali on the ropes and beat him down there...but little did he know them particular ropes were inordinately elastic and forgiving; all they did was soak up Foreman's power. Rope a dope won't work when you're leaning on ordinary ring rope, you just get hit harder then.


Ali intended his effort in memory of Patrice Lumumba...he was ignorant of the fact that his "sponsor", the Great Man Mobutu, was Lumumba's killer. Similar to the way he was oblivious to Elijah Muhammed's culpability in the assassination of Malcolm X.

Typical. A jaw of steel and a brain of feathers.
boardman's Avatar
And you could watch them on one of the three channels for free.
No such thing as cable or ppv.
Us school kids used to bet a lot of lunch money on those fights. Originally Posted by Slitlikr
Those were the days.
Jimmy Young was my favorite. He was a defensive fighter and a great counter puncher. The only other fighter, besides Ali, to beat Foreman in his prime.
He took some criticism for his technique against Ali and it probably cost him the fight in the eyes of the judges for using the ropes to his advantage whenever Ali got him up against them.
JoeCanGo's Avatar
Ali won the fight mentally by out smarting Foreman. The rope a dope was the answer to Foremans power. He wore him self out beating Ali on his arms and shoulders. Then Ali went to work cutting him down to size. It was a perfect example of why boxing is the Sweet Science. Great fight that I show to up and coming fighters all the time.
strongbad's Avatar
Best fight I ever saw was the Foreman vs Ron Lyle slugfest in 76. I just re-watched it on youtube, incredible! Fight only goes 5 rounds. The 4th & 5th rounds are just incredible. Also had the 2nd round only last for 2 minutes for some reason. And I had to laugh at poor Ken Norton who was calling the fight with Howard Cosell, because Howard must have brought up Foreman knocking Norton out in 2 rounds about 15 times! Go watch it, it is a fantastic fight!
  • pxmcc
  • 11-07-2014, 04:35 AM
Ali put a hex on Foreman. Plus he got home court advantage by winning the crowd.
"win the crowd, and maybe, you'll win your freedom." whoops, wrong reference.
oh ya, it was "Ali, bomaye!" ("Ali, kill him!")
Dorian Gray's Avatar
Best fight I ever saw was the Foreman vs Ron Lyle slugfest in 76. Originally Posted by strongbad
strongbad's Avatar
Thanks Dorian. It is a great fight!