What to get a single mom (25-30) for her birthday? Offspring's age is equivalent to the Rockets NBA championship wins.

mr666's Avatar
  • mr666
  • 11-05-2014, 11:49 PM
So a friend of mine is having a birthday coming up soon. As you can tell from the title, that's her situation. She has a "baby daddy" that actually pays child support, but she still kind of seems overwhelmed. She has her kid in a daycare and she gets by on govt or state help; so physical chores and deeds are out of the question. Any ideas? I know gift cards are popular and flowers are lame, but I want to set myself higher on the bar ( I am looking for a non-sexual favor down the road)

any useful ideas?
Oralist's Avatar
Take both of them some place special that she cannot afford! Dinner and a kiddy movie, Galveston, The Zoo, Museum of Natural Science and Niko Niko"s, etc.
  • Sonya
  • 11-06-2014, 06:37 AM
A day at a spa.
boardman's Avatar
Help her find a job and get off the government tit.
I see help wanted signs up all over the place.
pyramider's Avatar
Pay for her to have a "boardman experience." She will thanck you.
Blameme's Avatar
A day at a spa. Originally Posted by Sonya
This. She sounds stressed and this may be the ticket!
Fancyinheels's Avatar
A babysitter so she can get a good night's sleep, then perhaps a massage and/or a mani/pedi.
Lexieinhouston's Avatar
While her child is in day care, you could take her to the Nutcracker Market and help her out with some Christmas shopping, and then out for a nice lunch.
