actors who should not have been

VitaMan's Avatar
The list can be very long. Here are a few ideas:

Robby Benson - who decided to give him an audition, and a role in a movie ? Just
terrible. He left the profession a long time ago and an acting teacher.

Kevin Bacon - what is interesting about him ? Absolutely nothing. Just fills up space.

Mark Wahlberg - has no charisma at all. Yet studios keep pushing him on us.

Kevin Spacey - if he was your neighbor, you would pay no attention to him.

Sissy Spacek - so.........boring

Sandra Bullock - ugly. Her facial structure is similar to a horse.
Kevin Spacey?
They need to take away your thread making're ridiculous
Trey's Avatar
  • Trey
  • 07-15-2017, 07:09 PM
Yeah KS has some good movies under his belt not sure your issue.
DEAR_JOHN's Avatar
Yea, Sandra Bullock is one ugly woman. [sarcasm]

They ought to take away your thread making privileges.

bytra2121's Avatar
You lost me at Kevin Spacey. Also wth Sandra? If that's a horse face bring on the philies
NoTell's Avatar
Johnny Depp - horrible

Lou Diamond Phillips - nothing

Scarlett johanson - not even memorable

Ryan Gosling - boring

Kristi Stewart - one hit wonder

Sean Penn - what a loser

Tyrese Gibson - worst actor I have seen lately, he almost ruins every Fast and Furious
Adam Sandler comes to mind. Jennifer Lawrence - there's talks of her being cast in an upcoming QT flick... As Sharon Tate?! Tarantino is among my ATFs, so I'm conflicted.

She's not officially an actress, but every cameo she does is cringey. Remember Battleship? Lol great musician though!
chloelc's Avatar
Kristen Stewart - She conveys no emotions through her acting and always looks like she doesn't even want to be there regardless of the role.
Caligula1's Avatar
Our tastes and liking varies but I do like Kevin spacey - he has a pentagon feel, I like Johnny depp - his expressions and I adore Sandra bullock very real...

Vita I like the thread but you should have stated who are the actors you like top three...something like that...always think

The actresses I like - Catherine zeta jones, Scarlett Johanson, and salma Hayek and...penolpe Cruz and aishWarya rai....

Scarlett reminds me of someone very very dear to me....
Saw K Spacey on stage several years ago....brilliant actor. Your assessment is a clear swing-and-a-miss, sir. Speaking of....

One of my faves, Sandra Bullock has been America's Sweetheart ever since "Speed". Not sure why you called her ugly (but) like the hobby, WALDT, right? To each their own......

While Johnny Depp won't be confused with Sir Lawrence Oliver anytime soon, fact is he's been a strong box office draw for quite a while...I just think he just needs to make better script / role choices going forward, that's all.

Speaking of "Speed", I'm surprised no one's mentioned Keanu Reaves yet. He's been the bane of many (as far as being a weak actor most of his film history). "The Matrix" series set him for life though....good fortune for his career path, right?
VitaMan's Avatar
Vita I like the thread but you should have stated who are the actors you like top three...something like that...always think

How about Laurence Olivier, Bridgette Bardoe, and Steve McQueen. How about all 3 together in 1 movie ?

Note on Keanu Reeves: he was just one of those guys with very little training, that went to Hollywood with a u haul trailer, and a dream......and hit it big. He has made huge amounts of money - and he has given away huge amounts of money to the people who worked on the movies with him. He says he has enough money for several lifetimes already.
Somebody post the ass pick of Sandra Bullock in that old cop movie with Sly Stallone, and Wesly Snipes as the bad guy. I think that could have started the spandex craze! She broke out because of the ass pic in the future police uniform IMO. It's the movie where taco bell wins the food war and is the only remaining restaurants in the future. LOL. It wasn't Judge Dred but something similar.
Somebody post the ass pick of Sandra Bullock in that old cop movie with Sly Stallone, and Wesly Snipes as the bad guy. I think that could have started the spandex craze! She broke out because of the ass pic in the future police uniform IMO. It's the movie where taco bell wins the food war and is the only remaining restaurants in the future. LOL. It wasn't Judge Dred but something similar. Originally Posted by Daddio
you are thinking "Demolition Man"
Caligula1's Avatar
Vita all three in one movie I totally endorse. I love Steve m in his role in the great escape. Love that movie and him...
VitaMan's Avatar
Some acting performances get better with time.

The Christopher Reeves performance of Superman, switching from the bumbling, timid Clark Kent, into Superman, is a fantastic performance.

Robert DeNiro as Vito Corleone continues to get better and better. He auditioned for the part of Sonny in the first movie. He didn't get the part, but they remembered his audition.