
slims099's Avatar
Well, well, well. Just when I thought I'd never go out there, I have a slight chance of doing it.

My mom has a great oil/gas job out there. Makes sick money, but she needs some help. I could get paid a decent wage if I moved out there. But are there strip clubs out there? entertainment? providers?

I hear that area is "booming" but what gives? Any advice on that area of Texas would be great. I cannot just move out there and be bored. But on the same token its wild money. Guess I should just sit there and save my ass off....
berkleigh's Avatar
I grew up in West Texas!

I loved it, but glad I moved to Dallas.

The Oil/Gas Industry is huge out there and you would be crazy not to take a job out there.

"Jaguars" is out there in Odessa I believe.

Plus, I am a regular Provider along with many well know here in Dallas who make the circle to travel out to Amarillo, Lubbock and Midland/Odessa.

There are some great, beautiful Providers in Amarillo, Lubbock and a few in the Midland/Odessa area who are located here and on P411.

I won't lie and say there is not much too do out there like there is here in the Metroplex, but it is a good town especially in the future if you ever look to settle down and raise a family.

Lots of red dirt, tumbleweeds and COW SHIT...but the call that, "The Smell Of Money"!!!

I love going home to visit and you wouldnt be that far from Lubbock, where Texas Tech is for the College Scene and Football Games!

Hope it works for you
slims099's Avatar

The Oil/Gas Industry is huge out there and you would be crazy not to take a job out there.
Originally Posted by berkleigh
Berkleigh, you're soooooooooo right about that. It'd be tough to live out there cause of missing all my friends but I can always fly back once or twice a month with the money you can make out there.

I guess I'd be a lunatic not to take work. My mom said someone else brought her son out there to work and he's making 4-5k a month or something. But that can easily double once youre trained I think... Tough decision...
slims099's Avatar
And btw, where's the nearest airport that flies to dallas? Does Southwest fly out that way?
berkleigh's Avatar
Midland has an airport and I believe Southwest flys out of there.

Also its a 5 hour drive. Very boring down I-2o though lol

Figure out whats best for you and your future.
Dallas ... is Dallas ... you can always party and your friends arent going anywhere.

Its for sure not as fast paced as Dallas, but if you are into sports, SOFTBALL is huge out there.
trynagetlaid's Avatar
If you like to hunt brown-skinned mattress thrashers you'll think you died and went to Heaven...
slims099's Avatar
Dallas ... is Dallas ... you can always party and your friends arent going anywhere. Originally Posted by berkleigh
Yeah and I've been "meaning" to quit partying so much for about a year now. It's tough. Maybe I should move to get away from all that, haha. Make money, get steady, save up, and even fly back once a month or so. Sounds like fun!
Slayer's Avatar
I've been in Odessa Mon-Fri for the past 2 months and have been going there for work regularly for the past 2 years. Gas/oil is booming big time right now (of course due to high gas prices). I make more money traveling back and forth, even with all the travel and lodging expenses, than I would if I stayed and worked in Dallas.

The only strip club they have is Jags like Berkleigh said. I haven't found any local providers that live in Midland/Odessa that have caught my attention. There are frequent visitors from Lubbock though that are worth while.
I think quite a few local providers make trips to Odessa/Midland over time. To name a few I think Safire Sweet, December Love, and Reese Foster have visited there and of course Berkliegh as she has stated. Try the West Texas board and Im sure you could get an idea of who visits.
slims099's Avatar
If Safire Sweet makes the trip... then Wow!
I lived in Odessa one time ole Buddy, god what a boring place! You'll hate it, but southwest has daily flights back to Love Field
slims099's Avatar
Yeah but like I said, things are booming out there and there are more things to do. But yes I'll absolutely fly back 1-2 times a month... IF I decide to take the deal. I don't think I should pass up this opportunity.
Its a wonderful opportunity.I wish you the best I hope when I come visit again I will see you there

-Safire Sweet
slims099's Avatar
Thanks Safire. We will meet up one day.
Tetas's Avatar
  • Tetas
  • 06-19-2011, 03:01 PM
OK, this from a "local-yokel", if you're use to a fast pace and ALWAYS having something to do, you may very well hate Mid/Dessa.
But it has things going for it too, personally I like the slower pace and hate going to DFW.
I drive an hour to work every day, but that's because it's 80 miles away, not because of the traffic.
No, there's no local providers, but we have lovely travelers coming through almost weekly.
(Kinda sucks that you don't get to set up an ATF type deal, but it makes up for it with variety.)
Rent expenses are pretty ridiculous here right now, for what you'll pay for a 3 bedroom house there, they'll expect for a 2 bedroom apartment here.
Look for a house to buy, prices are down there a little in the last couple of years so it's not too bad and my mortgage for a 250k house is less than what a lot of leases are right now.
It's hotter and dryer than hell right now, but it really is true that "dry heat" don't feel as bad as humidity.
One or two strip clubs and a few pretty good bars if that's your thing.
Mostly we sit around under an air conditioner and drink beer, bitching about how hot it is, but the work is strong and steady and pays well.
Someday I'll retire where there's trees and water, for now, no one can offer me a better deal than what I have and if you're frugal, you can put away some serious coin for the future.