Can we ignore certain threads

Toeliquor's Avatar
So many threads get polluted with useless comments. Any chance you could get the programmers to create an ignore thread flag or a way to mark all read button?

Not sure if others have same feeling.
eyecu2's Avatar
With a whole wopping 1 review under your belt, maybe you should read less and DO more. Writting about it is much more fun than reading about it!
With a whole wopping 1 review under your belt, maybe you should read less and DO more. Writting about it is much more fun than reading about it! Originally Posted by eyecu2
AND let's not forget his 25 comments in almost 8 years of membership eye!
My god man slow down!
I am sure the powers that be will bend the fuck over backwards to please you!
And let me say as a thread polluter myself, and a connoisseur of fine useless comments, please let me be the first to tell you to "go fuck yourself"!
I am sure the programmers will be along soon to second the motion!
bambino's Avatar
So many threads get polluted with useless comments. Any chance you could get the programmers to create an ignore thread flag or a way to mark all read button?

Not sure if others have same feeling. Originally Posted by Toeliquor
Just think if everyone was like you. 7yrs and 25 posts. This forum would be dreadfully boring and useless. Like it was a few years ago. It’s a fucking hooker board for Christ sakes. Join the H/Y/P club if you’re looking for sparkling conversation. IJS