Review? Alert? General Info?

vman4tgirl's Avatar
I had an appointment with a girl, was stood up first time. Second time we meet. Things went south. no money exchanged. Do I post this as a review since we did meet. An alert or as just general information?
If I can post it as a review, would I get credit for it?
Tex9401's Avatar
You can post about in the Coed Forum.
Review credit is not given if no activities took place, so it wouldn't qualify as a review.

If no money was exchanged and your safety was not endangered, it probably isn't worthy of an alert.

NC/NS complaints are to be posted in Coed Discussions.

If the provider has strung you along and wasted your time but a meeting did not actually take place, your hofo belongs in Coed.
I would post about the experience in the co-ed discussion area with her handle in the title.
That way it'll come up on a quick search