premium access

prior to the shutdown of the former site, i was enjoying premium access based upon submitted review(s). i am pretty sure i had a few weeks left, and now i am demoted. was premium access earned not carried forward?
  • Dlh
  • 07-07-2018, 07:57 AM
Think its a fresh slate... unless u paid for lifetime pa
I'm sure its a fresh slate, sucks to only be like 1/2 way through your annual fee.
Loki Pk's Avatar
Any issues with the PA runout during shutdown should be addressed to
Please be sure to document your case and present it properly. Don't just say " my pA' ran out"

Look at your reviews and dates and do the math, present it properly and they may be able to help with that.

bambino's Avatar
My points carried over.
Any issues with the PA runout during shutdown should be addressed to
Please be sure to document your case and present it properly. Don't just say " my pA' ran out"

Look at your reviews and dates and do the math, present it properly and they may be able to help with that.

PK Originally Posted by Loki Pk
Thank you so very much for the information.