And This Has to Be the Dumbest Theory to Explain Alec Baldwin's Deadly Prop Gun Accident

  • oeb11
  • 10-27-2021, 09:03 AM

Source: Photo by Jordan Strauss/Invision/AP

So, Alec Baldwin killed a woman on the set of his new movie, Rust. It was an accident. He thought the prop gun was safe. They told him it was safe. He didn’t check for himself and now we have a fatality. The production seemed to be going off the rails prior to this deadly incident, however. The original camera crew quit on the day of the accident. Being a western movie, Baldwin was practicing a stunt with the prop gun. A warrant from local authorities to investigate the incident says that an assistant director gave the firearm to Baldwin and assured him it was a “cold gun.” Always treat a firearm as if it’s loaded and never take someone else’s word regarding whether it’s safe or not. Baldwin failed in that regard. This was an all-around breakdown in safety protocol. Yet, we have this clown who thinks someone put a live round in the gun Baldwin fired. Twitchy had it first, but behold idiocy at its purest form:
I mean, it’s liberals on Twitter. What did you expect? It’s America, MAGA, and…they must have framed Baldwin. And people think Alex Jones is the only crazy person out there. Some folks really do have too much time on their hands.

Point and laugh but walk away. You all know this was done to get a rise out of us. Just move on—it’s not worth it.
But it takes some serious insanity to thread Trump into an accidental shooting death on a movie set.

Typical DemocratiCommunist party response
'Not my fault' - Trump did it - alec baldwin was framed by 'Trumpies'!!!!!!!!!!!!!
democraticommunists cannot take responsibility for themselves - even to teh point of denying baldwin has a moral, ethical, legal responsibility to adhere to weapon safety rules ( he knew them ) .
But NOOOOOOOO!!!! - The howling,screeching liberal cultists mob insists Baldwin is 'not responsible' - nor are they for their Legions of Big Lies.

Democraticommunists - strike me as Peoples who cannot grow up and assume adulthood - - the Peter pan syndrome!

Sad for all

Hopefully the new mexico Police will not be swayed by the Hollyweird cultists - and give baldwin , and the other involved individuals - teh manslaughter charges that are likely indicated.

Buck fiden and the
From my cold dead hands
baldwin is like hellary clinton

tragicomic figures that damage both others and themselves
FatCity's Avatar
oh look!
ANOTHER Alec Baldwin thread

nothing meaningful going on in the world today,I guess
  • oeb11
  • 10-27-2021, 09:18 AM
The response justifies teh post.
that slow turn allows the realization she has the face of a man
rexdutchman's Avatar
Yes That's it Trumpers fault , But that's the insanity of the fantasy world we now live in ,,,, the world stops went theys cant blame T