Encounter: The lights turned Green @ Greenlight

BoneHome777's Avatar
Date: Late June
Name: Green
Phone: After Screening
Email Address: greenlightscreening@gmail.com
URL / Website: https://www.green-light1.net
City: Dallas Area
State: Texas
Address: 123 Nice Place
Activities: Details in ROS
Hair Length and Color: Long black hair almost to waist
Age: 30ish
Smoking Status: Non-Smoker
Ethnic Background: Korean
Physical Description: I think Green is a stunning beauty, with a very pretty face. She's about 5 feet even with a body that fits her size perfectly. toned legs and arms, plump booty, pretty eyes, and a gorgeous smile.
Recommendation: Yes
Green is definitely a good time.
Website says she's 4'8", I'd tend to agree. But you're right she's a good time. I need to do a review