Question for ladies and gentlemen

Jennatx's Avatar
How do you feel about a lady accepting credit cards payments. Pro and cons
Please no negative stuff
ramblnon's Avatar
Not my cup of tea, but just an opinion.
Pros are when I'm short on cash accepting cards would still be a way to play but cons it gives out your personal info so I don't necessarily like to do it although I have with providers that I've known a long time
I'd be wary of charge backs. Guys saying either their card was used by someone else or they didn't authorize use of the card and getting their money back.
Jennatx's Avatar
I'd be wary of charge backs. Guys saying either their card was used by someone else or they didn't authorize use of the card and getting their money back. Originally Posted by honeydavis
That is my worry also
GhostFace1's Avatar
Cash or Google Wallet
Tequila Rose's Avatar
I deal in cash only. For many reasons. One I take all payments upfront so this eliminates issues with someone "forgetting to send it" and it keeps people from disputing it later. Second I don't like the trail it leaves. Unless you have a business front it's suspect. Also I don't like the info that has to be exchanged to do it. Cash easy fast and clean. Besides gift cards can be purchased with a card then given to me. Where there is a will there is a way.
SugarLove055's Avatar
CC is definitely another option that i've found comes in handy but you have to pass the "red face test" and make sure you can be legitimate. (i.e. pay taxes, check ID's, etc). I've never had a CC payment issue. *knock on wood*