Old, out of date reviews

Groovy Johnson's Avatar
What's up with the 5 out of date reviews that showed up this morning?
Looks like some guy commented on them, so it looks like it brought them to the front. Yeah kinda confusing!
Tequila Rose's Avatar
Someone trying to help those ladies out by bumping their reviews maybe?? Other than that seems like a lot of trouble digging up reviews that old. I don't know I'm blonde and sometimes easily confused lol
CaptainMastPole's Avatar
Maybe someone trying to up their post count.....little did they realize bumping the old posts will get them points. I am pretty sure one of the providers that was bumped is in the hoosegow. Some of the comments and questions that were made had one of my eyebrows raised. That and the fact he is an Austin person commenting on our board. Not that he is not welcome but I would figure his concerns would be a little farther south. IJS.
SugarLove055's Avatar
Here's my $0.02

*+1 more post for SL*
I thought that was really weird as well expecially considering 1 of the reviews bumped was a girl that's in jail and the guy that wrote it has disappeared off the board a couple months now... Who knows..