Legalization of Prostitution?

BadWolf's Avatar
What if prostitution were to be legalized?...Providers: how would it affect your personal life, your business?...Everyone, how do you think this would affect the industry?
cucharabill's Avatar
As anything becomes "okay" to do, the market generally becomes saturated and therefore has a tendency to drive the price down.

I know this is probably stating the obvious, but most likely there would be an influx of young women (college students and young single mothers) who would see it as an easy, safe way to earn money, thereby creating more competition between providers. It would become a buyer's (hobbyist) market.

I'm sure the legal industry in Nevada would feel it the most because hobbyists would not have to travel anymore to that state for entertainment, unless they were going to be there anyway. And, theoretically, that would most likely drive the rates down to some degree. Maybe even force some of the ranches to close their doors.

But I guess we'll never know unless it happens.
Cpalmson's Avatar
There might be more providers, but I think the cream will rise. Sure, the market may get saturated, but word will quickly get out concerning quality over certain gals looking to make a few easy bucks. Competition is always a good thing. BTW, I don't think you'd see a big influx of more hobbyists. Those that hobby already could care less about the legality of the issue. There might be a few new guys who would check things out based purely on curiosity. I have a sneaky suspicion that once the newness of legalized prostitution wears off, you'd see the number of providers and hobbyists drop back down to where we are basically at now.
What if prostitution were to be legalized?...Providers: how would it affect your personal life, your business?...Everyone, how do you think this would affect the industry? Originally Posted by BadWolf
I doubt the market would change all that much; after all, the only really noticeable effect in New Zealand so far is that working girls are much safer and the state saves lots of money:

Note that contrary to what alarmists (and even other posters here) predicted, there was almost no increase in the number of prostitutes. This fact surprises most men but few women:

Most men have the unhealthy tendency to obey laws. - Robert A. Heinlein

Women are not altogether in the wrong when they refuse the rules of life prescribed to the World, for men only have established them and without their consent. - Michel de Montaigne
BadWolf's Avatar
I could envision something along the lines of....prostitution is legalized - to operate as a legal provider you must register and obtain a permit/license (for a fee of course)...the providers would have to renew the license probably on an annual basis, and submit health tests/forms on a quarterly basis.
Essentially providers would either all be independent, or operate via a consortium of girls or brothel/ranch.
From a legal, cost and regulatory perspective the greatest problems with prostitution right now today are: loss of income tax revenue; government costs incurred running stings, investigations, and incarceration; spread of disease; violent crimes (physical and robbery) against hobbyists and girls (mostly SW) by pimps; and the sick exploitation of certain groups (kids, illegal aliens, etc.)
If prostitution were to be legalized I opine that these concerns would essentially we eliminated. Legalization would take girls off the streets, or at least give them freedom and protection from pimps...reduce crime...and by regulating the industry the spread of disease could be curtailed, and the government would also gain a new revenue stream. Then LE could focus on the sickos that exploit and traffic people...
I think both the providers and hobbyists would feel more secure. There would also be a stabilization and standardization of rates and practices.