Jan 6 posters - opinion

VitaMan's Avatar
Posters continue to post that the Jan 6 mob is not responsible for what happened that day...that they must have been led or coerced into forcing themselves inside the US Capitol...destroying government property.

Led like sheep to a slaughter.

Ask yourself this: if above is correct, how dumb are Trump supporters to be led like this ?

They can't think for themselves ? Or caught under the magical spell of anything for Trump....who has been indicted how many times...and exposed as a fraud.

And Trump...who had every opportunity to call on the National Guard to maintain order...and the only one that had the authority to do so...failed to.

Perhaps that is the real conspiracy.
Lucas McCain's Avatar
I can't take the silly conspiracy theory believing crowd seriously in this forum. I would like to think they are just fucking around and just trolling so that I have more faith that people can't be such simpletons. Sadly, I know better, so I try to just be civil and ignore their silly bullshit as much as possible.

If they want to comically believe that Trump is great and everything is a conspiracy against him because he can do no wrong, fine by me... I wish I lived in a country and shit on it with ridiculous lies and find people dumb enough to defend me and believe my bullshit too so good for him. With Trump, don't hate the playa, hate the game that he plays so well with his gullible simpleton followers.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
The values of our nation were inverted when Trump seized power. Knowledge, integrity, and compassion were replaced by, well, the stupid shit we have now. (Not to mention truth, justice and the American way.)

The aforementioned empowered simpleton followers hastened, if not totally brought on the “woke” culture, cancel culture and likely several other societal infections.

January 6 merely wrapped it up in a nasty little package.
VitaMan's Avatar
These are the only conclusions you can make:

-Trump supporters are incredibly dumb
- Mr. Trump was negligent as President for not calling on the National Guard

And you don't even need "proof"

Not like the mysterious "proof" that conspiracy theorists always say will come sometime later.
If the mods really cared about insults, they’d stop the insults to our intelligence
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Now comes an admission from Speaker Johnson that the GOP would be blurring faces on the Jan 6 video to protect rioters from prosecution.