Shrillary squirms at public hearing

Gotta love how Trey Gowdy :thum bsup: has dealt with Shrillary's "non-answer" answers and the lying libs ( like eLIEjah cummings ) on the panel trying to defend Shrillary and kiss her ass. Shrillary and her defenders > Too bad she didn't wear her orange " pant suit by Omar, of Omar's Circus Tent Making and Fine Fashions. Omar must be worried about losing his best customer !
I don't know what you said, but I can take a guess. The fervor with which republicans have attacked over Benghazi is sad. Bad things happen. Could more have been done? Possibly, but 20/20 hindsight is easy. She has taken responsibility. I'm not sure what else republicans want her to do?
Budman's Avatar
I don't know what you said, but I can take a guess. The fervor with which republicans have attacked over Benghazi is sad. Bad things happen. Could more have been done? Possibly, but 20/20 hindsight is easy. She has taken responsibility. I'm not sure what else republicans want her to do? Originally Posted by WombRaider
You can't be serious. Trey Gowdy made her look like the fool she is.

You want to bring up 20/20 hindsight? The left is all about 20/20 hindsight in regards to Iraq. Damn near every democrat in the country was on board for the war but now want to act like they never believed in it. Kind of like Gore voting for it before he voted against it. Fuck you and the left.
Will Boner's Avatar
Complete waste of taxpayer money ($4M) to investigate yet one more time. Kevin McCarthy already spilled the beans. Time to move on.
You can't be serious. Trey Gowdy made her look like the fool she is.

You want to bring up 20/20 hindsight? The left is all about 20/20 hindsight in regards to Iraq. Damn near every democrat in the country was on board for the war but now want to act like they never believed in it. Kind of like Gore voting for it before he voted against it. Fuck you and the left. Originally Posted by Budman
That's your opinion. And Benghazi can't be compared to a war. 4 people died. While tragic, you can't compare it to Iraq, where thousands of our men have died. Being on board for something when you are given false information does not mean that when you find out the real truth, you can't be against it later. Why don't you get that? You operate with the information you have at hand. I see it as a positive that once you have the right information, you change your mind and see it for what it is. You're not locked into always being for something just because you once were.
Complete waste of taxpayer money ($4M) to investigate yet one more time. Kevin McCarthy already spilled the beans. Time to move on. Originally Posted by Will Boner
GODDAMN, that is an ass.

I agree. Complete waste of time and money, for nothing. Mistakes are made all the time. Bad things happen. We learn and move on.
Budman's Avatar
That's your opinion. And Benghazi can't be compared to a war. 4 people died. While tragic, you can't compare it to Iraq, where thousands of our men have died. Being on board for something when you are given false information does not mean that when you find out the real truth, you can't be against it later. Why don't you get that? You operate with the information you have at hand. I see it as a positive that once you have the right information, you change your mind and see it for what it is. You're not locked into always being for something just because you once were. Originally Posted by WombRaider

You are so full of shit. The dems had the same info that the POTUS had and were on board. Damn near every intelligence agency in the world agreed that Iraq had WMD's but now want to crawfish around and act like they never were for the war. 20/20 hindsight. You are a POS racist, hypocrite, liar and coward. Fuck you and your ilk.
You are so full of shit. The dems had the same info that the POTUS had and were on board. Damn near every intelligence agency in the world agreed that Iraq had WMD's but now want to crawfish around and act like they never were for the war. 20/20 hindsight. You are a POS racist, hypocrite, liar and coward. Fuck you and your ilk. Originally Posted by Budman
You have comprehension problems. And anger problems, but we'll get to that part later. I didn't say they weren't for it then, of course they were, but we have different information now. Are you saying that you should always stick to initial information and never change your opinion on anything, based on new information? They aren't acting like they weren't for the war, they're saying we shouldn't have gone over there, based on the newer information. How is that a bad thing? Using your logic, you would never improve, you would always be stuck with your first choice.

You sound angry. You might want to work on that.
GODDAMN, that is an ass.

I agree. Complete waste of time and money, for nothing. Mistakes are made all the time. Bad things happen. We learn and move on. Originally Posted by WombRaider
You have comprehension problems. And anger problems, but we'll get to that part later. I didn't say they weren't for it then, of course they were, but we have different information now. Are you saying that you should always stick to initial information and never change your opinion on anything, based on new information? They aren't acting like they weren't for the war, they're saying we shouldn't have gone over there, based on the newer information. How is that a bad thing? Using your logic, you would never improve, you would always be stuck with your first choice.

You sound angry. You might want to work on that. Originally Posted by WombRaider
You sound like a lying yellow backed cum guzzling liberal. YOU might want to work on THAT !
Budman's Avatar
You have comprehension problems. And anger problems, but we'll get to that part later. I didn't say they weren't for it then, of course they were, but we have different information now. Are you saying that you should always stick to initial information and never change your opinion on anything, based on new information? They aren't acting like they weren't for the war, they're saying we shouldn't have gone over there, based on the newer information. How is that a bad thing? Using your logic, you would never improve, you would always be stuck with your first choice.

You sound angry. You might want to work on that. Originally Posted by WombRaider
I don't know what you said, but I can take a guess. The fervor with which republicans have attacked over Benghazi is sad. Bad things happen. Could more have been done? Possibly, but 20/20 hindsight is easy. She has taken responsibility. I'm not sure what else republicans want her to do? Originally Posted by WombRaider
Monday morning quarterbacking is what you love to do. Decisions are made based on current info. The libs want to act like they never were for the war. As far as Hillary and Benghazi she and the administration lied from the get go. She has withheld info from the congress and has deleted emails that may have shed light on her incompetence. You and your ilk are her accomplishes in this cover up.
TheDaliLama's Avatar
Hillary looks like road kill.

Maybe Uncle Joe spoke too soon.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
wIshful thinking, assholiness
gfejunkie's Avatar
And you guys are still stupid enough to believe it was an internet video that caused it all.
And you guys are still stupid enough to believe it was an internet video that caused it all. Originally Posted by gfejunkie
They still believe that Shrillary was under sniper fire on the tarmac in Kosovo ! And they still believe Slick Willy when he utters those immortal Slick Willy words " I did not ....." !