asking for what you want

sue_nami's Avatar
So men, do u have difficulty in asking for what specialty fun you want in a session? do you just let the woman lead the session and do as she wants and hope she gets to the part u like best or can you vocalize your desires? I had a fellow come see me for 30 min visit, after it was over and he was leaving he sorta whispered to me, dang i wish you had, well i sure would have if I had known you wanted that. it got me to thinking, maybe some want something in particular and can not give voice to their secret desires. Us gals are good, but we are not mind readers. One solution I thought of was if you have trouble vocalizing your secret desires, maybe an email in advance? just wondering what shy men think about this problem and how us non shy women could help out make it easier to help you get exactly what you need. if you're embarrassed to ask out loud, how can we assist you to make sure we deliver the exact perfect visit for you? how can shy guys be sure to get what they want? there's no need to be embarrassed to ask if it is listed as an option with me.