Democratic candidates kick black woman to the curb

oilfieldace's Avatar
They choose Pete Butt plug to campaign with them instead of Kamala. Isnt that considered racist by todays standards?
winn dixie's Avatar
Has nothing to do with race!
oilfieldace's Avatar
Has nothing to do with race! Originally Posted by winn dixie
You don’t grasp sarcasm very well? Perhaps a shot of WD might loosing the wheels. The entire world knows Kamala is as dumb as a rock. They also know that her color has nothing to do with her stupidity. Fortunately there are several more democratic office holders are at or below her level.

What a historic level this country has fallen too electing these incompetent liberal fools. Also her speech writer non hiring was all about race, just as Biden stating he would appoint a black woman to the SC. That is racism at the highest level, however the jury is still out if the black justice is as dumb as those other two liberal hack women appointed by oblama
HedonistForever's Avatar
I think being unable to articulate the definition of a woman, makes one dumb in my book, or she is smart enough not to piss off the "wokesters", who I believe are her priority.

What is confounding is that these elitist Black woman like Brown aren't reading the room when it comes to Black mothers who are just as upset about these cultural changes brought on by these Democrats like the Hispanic women are beginning to see and move to the Republican party.

It will take something just like this to dislodge Black women from the Democrat party. No doubt in my mind that a few more years like this and the Democrats will have seen their time, come and go.

In the words of Barack Obama, who amazingly enough is right again, called out "woke" Democrats by name and suggested that they stop being a "buzzkill" for the party.