Considering a quick visit to South Ark

mssassy's Avatar
Okay guys I am considering a trip to southern Ark this week. You know to Pine Bluff and beyond.

Would appreciate any positive input . Please keep negative comments unless it regards to le and risks/dangers to yourself. Sorry I just cant deal with it today . Need peace and fun today and well some mandatory shopping at Cupids (all my stuff is getting to big lol


bored and ready to play

New Pic a bad one but still a new pic
Feel free to give input on that too lol
New Pic a bad one but still a new pic
Feel free to give input on that too lol


Input from Dreams :

STOP! Being So Hard On Yourself, I see you, ur working on getting fit and still talking down???
GIRL! stop it, stop it, stop it, anyone who is trying to do something to better them... never should get cut down, nor from self. )
Keep up the hard work!
Nice pic, I like it.
mssassy's Avatar
thanks dreams i guess old habits are hard to break.,I look at myself and cant believe i let myself get as big as i did . ugh but anyway thank you for the support. I really appreciate it. Love your new pics by the way.

thanks loneranger
Your welcome girlie & Thank you Ms Sassy!