What has happened to being on time?

luv2luv's Avatar
Just a simple thought! Ladies, you would do well to read and heed; guys don't like to be frustrated, much less when they've done all they can to meet your requirements.

So, without names, here's what happened. After making an appointment and getting the intersection for the second call, I exited at the appropriate place and made the call, "I'm here at the intersection of A and B streets".

The answer was, "Okay, now go south to C street". You need to know that C street is about 5 miles/15 traffic lights miles south of the previous intersection, not a two minute drive.

Got to C street, called, was given the name of the apartments, and was told to turn into the parking lot. Turned in, called, and was told "Okay, give me just a second and I'll get you up."

You're way ahead of me, aren't you? About fifteen minutes later, I finally gave up and left. Your only question should be, why did you wait fifteen minutes and I don't have a good answer.

She called about an hour later. I assume she had an excuse, but I chose to not answer the phone.
Ah, you really need to do a thread in the review section naming her. That will do far more good of letting guys know her behavior than just throwing it out here. No need to lump all the ladies together when most are very reliable. And its useless if you don't name names.
THAT sucks!!

It should never be THAT difficult.
Ladies, please note that if you make things difficult during this time frame- that you are forcing the gents to think with their "northern" head! (When usually by this time, they are steering the entire vehicle with their "southern" head!) ...Therefore, not needing any added complications with long drawn out directions, etc.!!

Don't overload them with confusion during this 'sensitive' time frame. LOL
It's best to give them directions to point 'A'. (Point 'A' being no more than 5 mins away from your exact location.) Phone call from Point A, then directions from Point A to "Kitty Station" promotes smooth arrival and SOUTHERN HEAD HAPPINESS for a nice session!!

Just my 0.02cents
Italiana Princess
AMEN! Most of us are true professionals and would never do that. Read reviews, they are helpful in letting you know what to expect from that particular Companion. Please don't lump all women into ANY category, we are all so different! Thank God for uniqueness! I hope your next encounter goes much more smoothly!
Name her.

or we can make this another advice thread for providers
OH! OH! Lets do Advice. Its so much more fun!!!!
Yes, Please quit making us think, Its distracting and hurts sometimes .
THAT sucks!!

It should never be THAT difficult.
Ladies, please note that if you make things difficult during this time frame- that you are forcing the gents to think with their "northern" head! (When usually by this time, they are steering the entire vehicle with their "southern" head!) ...Therefore, not needing any added complications with long drawn out directions, etc.!!

Don't overload them with confusion during this 'sensitive' time frame. LOL
It's best to give them directions to point 'A'. (Point 'A' being no more than 5 mins away from your exact location.) Phone call from Point A, then directions from Point A to "Kitty Station" promotes smooth arrival and SOUTHERN HEAD HAPPINESS for a nice session!!

Just my 0.02cents
Italiana Princess Originally Posted by ItalianaPrincess
tsrv4me's Avatar
Very interesting ..I agree with being on Time or other excuses ......I had it happen to me on Monday .....Made an appointment on Sunday evening for doubles on monday morning ...was told to call when at intersection close to their incall ......it is a 45-50 minute drive to see them ...so I PMd them earlier Monday morning ,just to remind them ...When I got off at intersection I called .NO ANSWER ......I parked at a convenience store for a little while I do know where the incall is ,I had been there before and they refreshed my memory the night before ...I called a few minutes after 10 again ......NO ANSWER .. I went to incall and pounded on the door .Several different times .No answer ...so I left and returned home 45-50 minute drive again .Frustrated .....Later in the afternoon .I received a PM from them saying they had fallen asleep and were sorry .....I am sorry also ...but will not recommend them to anyone else ...
rachet3375's Avatar
I can see where a provider might be late to an outcall, but to be late to your own incall by more than 5 mins is uncalled for. Anymore than that and Italiana Princess is dead on correct, big head goes into action and the likelihood of getting pissed off overrides the excitement of a session. Promptness is good customer service.
Geez luv2luv, I'm sorry. I saw this thread earlier and I meant to comment but I was busy doing something else. What were you saying?
Really, I mean it. My um...dog yeah my dog was .... was...taking out the trash and he got hit by a kid on one of those three wheels. Yeah and I had to take him to the vet because well, that wheel was stuck up his, well, you know and so I wasn't able to make it back here.

But I totally meant to and I was on my way back see and then, my SUV got a virus in it's navigation thingy. Oh yeah, it happens all the time. So I got lost coming home and well, I called triple A and finally made it home. They're very nice.

So I finally made it home right? But then ... well, does it really matter? I'm here now so go ahead, you were saying? Oh, my fish is just fine. The vet said his fin condition should clear right up.
Oh my thats just ridiculous sorry that happend to you
lilsmurf's Avatar
Under Emily, finally!
pmdelites's Avatar
THAT sucks!!

It should never be THAT difficult.
Ladies, please note that if you make things difficult during this time frame- that you are forcing the gents to think with their "northern" head! (When usually by this time, they are steering the entire vehicle with their "southern" head!) ...Therefore, not needing any added complications with long drawn out directions, etc.!!

Don't overload them with confusion during this 'sensitive' time frame. LOL
It's best to give them directions to point 'A'. (Point 'A' being no more than 5 mins away from your exact location.) Phone call from Point A, then directions from Point A to "Kitty Station" promotes smooth arrival and SOUTHERN HEAD HAPPINESS for a nice session!!

Just my 0.02cents
Italiana Princess Originally Posted by ItalianaPrincess
my little head is headed your way NOW.

seriously, my big head and the rest of me should be there in just over 3 weeks [next playtime opportunity].
Very interesting ..I had it happen to me on Monday ........I called a few minutes after 10 again ......NO ANSWER .. I went to incall and pounded on the door ..I received a PM from them saying they had fallen asleep and were sorry .....I am sorry also ...but will not recommend them to anyone else ... Originally Posted by tsrv4me
10 iMin and then I go home. No pounding on the incall door.

Next time just book 3 hrs then call at the last moment with an excuse.