Human trafficking arrests

Local news channel KPRC to run live this morning, coverage of dozens of human trafficking arrests.
Ned_Filanderer's Avatar
Stay out of amps. The service sucks, human trafficking is disgusting, and the risk reward is trash.
Stay out of amps. The service sucks, human trafficking is disgusting, and the risk reward is trash. Originally Posted by AsapBeard
Local AMP girls are below par as far as looks.
Stay out of amps. The service sucks, human trafficking is disgusting, and the risk reward is trash. Originally Posted by AsapBeard
What does this news story have to do with AMPs?
One persons Human trafficking Is anothers job opportunity. We can't put our view of sex work on people from other parts of the world. In other cultures it is a viable life style and the living condition in this county being "trafficked" are still way better than where they come from.
One persons Human trafficking Is anothers job opportunity. We can't put our view of sex work on people from other parts of the world. In other cultures it is a viable life style and the living condition in this county being "trafficked" are still way better than where they come from. Originally Posted by peabody
Well gee, that makes it all better. SMH
Those are some Gnarly looking dudes! And the woman, OMG!!!!!
One persons Human trafficking Is anothers job opportunity. We can't put our view of sex work on people from other parts of the world. In other cultures it is a viable life style and the living condition in this county being "trafficked" are still way better than where they come from. Originally Posted by peabody
You've missed the entire point and definition. Trafficking involves forced labor, in this case in the sex trade. If someone is forced or coerced into something, that isn't a cultural thing or a "job opportunity". The job opportunity isn't for the young girl, it's for the person making her "work" for their own profit. Get a clue dude. Thank you.
You've missed the entire point and definition. Trafficking involves forced labor, in this case in the sex trade. If someone is forced or coerced into something, that isn't a cultural thing or a "job opportunity". The job opportunity isn't for the young girl, it's for the person making her "work" for their own profit. Get a clue dude. Thank you. Originally Posted by Larch4
I agree. A couple of questions:
Are all/almost all AMPs involved in trafficking?
If not, how can you tell?

I know independents are better but sometimes the screening and planning ahead are challenging. Especially for those that only hobby a couple times a year. AMPs fill that gap. That said, I think most of us are disgusted by modern slavery and don’t want any part of it. Should AMPs be avoided by the conscientious?
lizardking's Avatar
Keeping prostitution illegal facilitates "human trafficking". You don't hear much about people - particularly immigrants - being forced to work in legal jobs. No-one has a stable of bitches working down at MacDonald's. The facts that prostitution is illegal and that cops constnatly harass these places, causing all of the folks who work there - by choice or otherwise - to fear and avoid them, make it much less likely that girls forced to work against their will report that to the authorities. Prostitution, like drugs and gambling, do not create much crime in-and-of themselves. Prohibition creates a black market, and that presents limitless opportunities for crime and violence. These self-righteous christians need to figure out what they really care about, stigmatizing and punishing what they see as "sin" or truly helping people in terrible circumstances.
Well gee, that makes it all better. SMH Originally Posted by Larch4
It not a matter of better or worse, its what it is. Its the patriarchy trying to dictate what a woman can do with her body and impose their morality on the masses.
You've missed the entire point and definition. Trafficking involves forced labor, in this case in the sex trade. If someone is forced or coerced into something, that isn't a cultural thing or a "job opportunity". The job opportunity isn't for the young girl, it's for the person making her "work" for their own profit. Get a clue dude. Thank you. Originally Posted by Larch4
I think Politicians and do gooders have seen one too many Liam Nesome movie. They have created a false narrative to support their moralistic view of the world.
If you make something Illegal you create criminals and a seedy evirorment. The point is most are not forced or coerced. It is their choice. In their culture sex work is a viable choice. They were sex workers back home.
When they are arrested , of course the are going to say they were forced to work. They know they are going to be given asylum and human right organization are going to give them support because it supports their narrative.
Im not denying that the stereotypical strong arm pimp or persons that exploit immigrates exits. Its just not the norm.
Based on the story printed,,, no way to tell just what the activities were...……. no of mention AMPs...…….. magic word was 'trafficing'

Got headlines though
MarcellusWalluz's Avatar
I agree. A couple of questions:
Are all/almost all AMPs involved in trafficking?
If not, how can you tell? Originally Posted by oxford225
I'm sure there are some out there but I have not been in one yet where I felt there was even a possibility the ladies were there against their will.