Why providers in their 30's and 40's should fly their MILF flags high

Say What's Avatar
I have read so many negative posts today that I felt like ending my night with a few positive words about the ladies that make the hobby special to me.

Let me start by saying every woman is beautiful in her own way. No matter the lady or the session, I have always been able to find something memorable, even when things didn't go especially well.

In all my years doing this I have found that the true professionals are almost always, with a few VERY notable exceptions, ladies over the age of 30 or 40. My best experiences have always been with ladies that posses self-confidence, an interest in their friends' unique session, and a degree of class that their younger counterparts have yet to master.

Younger providers have driven me to the brink of the infamous 'hobby retirement' followed shortly thereafter by a 'hobby revival.' NCNS, personal hygiene, immaturity, and a host of other youth/inexperience related complications have made me question why my account wasn't disabled long ago.

More 'seasoned' ladies have driven me to the brink of the aforementioned 'retirement' for VERY different reasons. I've left hundreds of sessions on cloud nine and thought, "Self, that was the session that we've been doing this for! Let's walk away on a high note and never come back because all other experiences will pale in comparison." Of course, that same lady/session/experience is exactly what keeps me coming back.

For fear of leaving even one amazing lady off a list, I will not attempt to name them all. Instead, I'll just say, "Thank you."

Sweet dreams, ladies. I hope to see you all again soon.

Say What
Thanks for posting this.

I know there were probably alot of women out there that needed to read something like this.

Hope you always stay on cloud 9 in life!

Nighty night

Hercules's Avatar
I think it has to do with the Entitlement Generation coming into range now. Younger generation is expecting so much more with a lot less effort on their part across many different work scenarios.
Generally speaking, I agree with the OP. With providers in the 35-45 range you can get the best of both worlds, maturity/experience and hottness. Sure, if I was 30, I would think differently, but I'm not and I don't. I even have a saved search on P411, ages 35-45. I admit it's not the only saved search, but definitely provides some good results.
Don't forget the 70 & 80 year old ladies too
pyramider's Avatar
I miss the Old Hags Club ... the Fawns, Lanas, etc. Also, that is what THEY called it ... not me.
������ thank you. I'm in my 30's and I will say providing is much more enjoyable than it was in my 20's. I am also a small business owner so I do it now because I want to not for a sole source of income and that makes a huge difference I believe. But yes encouraging words for the more mature ladies was nice. I'm sure some of us at times question if we are to old or discouraged about maybe competing with the younger ladies. Personally I feel like my sex drive is so high I offer a better experience. A man can tell when your actually enjoying yourself.
Thank you
I agree, women of that age range are especially sexy. They have a strength, beauty and experience which I find very sexy. In my reviews over the years, my best SC sessions have invariably been with dancers in this age range. They are not always easy to find, but often well worth it. I'm looking at taking the plunge and scheduling with a provider and I can say, all the ladies I'm considering are in the 30+ range. I know they will usher me in with a fantastic experience.
Recurve Jones's Avatar
I like them because they're usually a bit more worldly and intelligent. Oh yeah, and not pimped.
micktoz's Avatar
I couldn't agree more.
But, it does go to show that there are really two different types of clients here. Those that think that pussy is pussy. And that young and cheap is what gets them their 30 minutes of wham, bam, thank you...... That's their passion and the youngsters satisfy that for them.

Then there are the clients like myself that enjoys the fantasy of one, two or three hours with a beautiful, attentive and talented woman.
To be able to provide that for me takes a certain maturity and experience that rarely is found in women under 30 or 35. For me, it's not just about the nut. It's the experience and journey and then the nut.

I think the clients like us probably ruin it for the others. We tend to be willing to pay for the full experience with a woman. While the others can't understand paying so much for pussy. A real difference in attitudes.
This isn't about right and wrong, it just is.

I have tried the younger ladies, but they rarely can give me what I really enjoy.

Thank goodness for guys who want it different from me. My favorite ladies would probably be too busy to be available for me.

Thanks for the great POV.
pyramider's Avatar
There is nothing better than MILF taint ...
GingerKatt's Avatar
Thanks for this! I am happy to be called a MILF, (even though I'm not a mother). I think it's the perfect age, because I get requests from men 18-90, literally. The young ones think MILFS and Cougars are hot, the ones in their 40's are more comfortable with a woman close to their own age, and the older men want a younger woman, but not one their granddaughters age! Not all requests work out of course, but it's so flattering to be contacted. My self esteem has improved with this business, so thank you hobbyists!

I admit I wasn't really into sex, or trying to please my man,from my 1st experience at 18 until I was 39-40. I had school, husbands, stressful jobs, family responsibilities and exhaustion. Now, this is ALL I do! I've never been so happy or so sexually charged! My hormones exploded between 39-40. So I'm finally stress free, no other commitments, no dating or looking for an SO or husband or starting a family, no RW job, and I'm so much more adventerous and uninhibited. It's wonderful to choose great men to come over and play, I get to dress up and have fun! AND be totally supported doing it. My men are on the same page; have fun,even real passion and a connection; but then leave. Some DO become friends to hang with occasionally but it's rare. I got engaged to a client after working a year, and I missed providing SO much, I won't be doing that again. But I love and appreciate my regulars, they're special to me of course.

I would NOT have been able to do this in my 20's and 30's. Too much other stuff going on and sex was just not a priority. School, career, relationships and family were more important. And I was shy and inhibited. But now all those stresses are GONE,and it's all about meeting men who want what I offer;and lavishing all my GFE sensuality on them, for a set amount of time, no strings attached. I am loving my late 40's, obviously! With no plans to ever stop.♡
I fly my MILF flag high and am loving life way more now than when I was in my 20's. Thanks for such a great post OP. You are one of my favorite people in the hobby!