I finally found some color contacts that I can put in & wear comfortably. They're bright aqua blue. Would it be a turn on or a turn off if I started wearing them during my appointments? My eyes are naturally brown. I also wear lots of makeup, not because I need it or to hide anything but because its fun putting it on for me & I'm just a colorful girl by heart. So i usually wear pink or dark eyeshadow, eyeliner, heavy mascarra, bronzer ,& flavored shiney lipgloss . Is it ever a problem? Is the natural look preferred by any chance ? Also ive always wanted to do an outcall where I could just show up already in my lingerie with a big jacket over & of course heels. Is that too extreme? Also i have this sexy one piece body suit that's all black fishnet with a peek a boo hole for my kitty. Would anyone mind if I dressed up in it to play?

Just random questions I've been wondering about.
I'm always a fan of fun colored contacts. Bet they would look really good if you go back to the red/pink hair too.
TxnPrd's Avatar
You don't need make up. You are cute enough as it is however, it would be kinda exotic with the contacts. definitely make me want to see you again.
I have jet black eyes and have found that since I dnt wear make up.lighter contacts soften my face O:-)
TxnPrd's Avatar
Those are pretty Cashmere however its hard to concentrate on the eyes with your other assets staring at us
bigjimt52's Avatar
Those are pretty Cashmere however its hard to concentrate on the eyes with your other assets staring at us Originally Posted by TxnPrd
no shit TxnPrd......well said....
Imho, most men prefer light, to even no makeup, Natural everything is the best form and many other guys I converse with on this subject agree. Latinas have a decided advantage here as they are so naturally pretty! ijs
Nutting Buckeye's Avatar
Those are pretty Cashmere however its hard to concentrate on the eyes with your other assets staring at us Originally Posted by TxnPrd
Imho, most men prefer light, to even no makeup, Natural everything is the best form and many other guys I converse with on this subject agree. Latinas have a decided advantage here as they are so naturally pretty! ijs Originally Posted by repete offender
Dear Repete, while that is mostly true, don't you agree that CristiCutiePie has built a solid reputation around being a fun loving, wild child of sorts, and it's kinda like her signature to have the sexy makeup and hair?

I think, Cristi, that you got your looks like you know your clients like it and whatever way you decide to play with, it will certainly be a win-win!


I personally don't care for colored lenses, I feel they are unnatural and clearly look fake. Most times when I see them I am distracted, wondering why a pretty girl wishes to look possessed or like a movie vampire?
That being said it's your body, and your choice, and I'm just expressing my view of them.
If they make you feel good about yourself go for it, it's part of your fantasy.
The raincoat idea, works for me. I would find that sexy, when you walk in and unbutton.
KlassyKelliAnn's Avatar
Cristi, you are fine in every and any way! Even when you first wake up in the morning next to me with your hair all disheveled and half asleep still you look sexy! But maybe Im partial because youre my wild little fire cracker doll I play with all the time! Muah!!!

Ewwwww just when I was liking her.
Camille, I hear you. If a woman feels sexy and pretty all dolled up, she should do it. Christi did ask for input and I also think it is part of her MO and mojo as a provider. Her clients and she will BOTH enjoy their time together with a confident woman at the helm, just like ALL your hott sessions/reviews!
Precious_b's Avatar
The lingerie under an overcoat at the front door is one i've thought of.

I'm sure the women might have a problem with a guy in a raincoat and nothing else.
Dear Repete, while that is mostly true, don't you agree that CristiCutiePie has built a solid reputation around being a fun loving, wild child of sorts, and it's kinda like her signature to have the sexy makeup and hair?

I think, Cristi, that you got your looks like you know your clients like it and whatever way you decide to play with, it will certainly be a win-win!


Camille Originally Posted by Camille Fox
You have no idea how refreshing your kind words are for me.

I definitely love being a wild child! Every day is an adventure & I have the strongest guardian angel watching over me keeping me healthy , safe, happy & successful.