The Coof pandemic is over!

bambino's Avatar
eccieuser9500's Avatar
"Dr. Gottlieb: When Covid vaccine may be available for school children"
  • oeb11
  • 08-16-2021, 02:09 PM
planning on getting to join teh 'bsnd' again - 95 and zeroes. ??
Strokey_McDingDong's Avatar
Bad news for lockdown lovers, good news for everyone else!
rexdutchman's Avatar
Lets see what have we learned so far , Lockdowns mask mandates don't work ( remember flatten the curve )
Vaccines over hyped , goal posts running around the field ( for herd immunity started at 50% then 70% on 95% and not possible Bloomberg news today )
So everything the Gov following the fauician science , has done so far is a UNMITIGATED DISASTER.

I my opinion just saying
  • oeb11
  • 08-17-2021, 09:27 AM
Rd - I may not always agree - but You are entitled to a reasoned opinion, good Sir!
The DPSTs will make sure there is only One opinion for everything - their marxist narrative and ideology.
The Pharmaban and al-CDCa will tell us when the pandemic is over. Keep getting shots and put your face burka on.
Strokey_McDingDong's Avatar
I read a headline the other day recommending people get a third shot of the vaccine. Isn't a booster shot just the same vaccine being administered again? So, you need to take the vaccine once, again after a month, and then again after 8 months, and then probably again at a later point.

I think something like the tetanus shot is recommended once every 10 years, but I've never heard of a vaccine you should take like 3-4 times a year.
Follow the teachings of the Profit Fauci (pbuh)!
adav8s28's Avatar

Was there ever one to begin with? Originally Posted by bambino
Seasonal Flu does not kill 600,000 people in one year. It would take about 10 years for seasonal flu (Influenza A) to kill 600,000 people.

The guy( Gotlieb) who was former director of the FDA link clearly stated after the latest surges calm down the USA will be out the pandemic. Infections were in high in Florida, LA, Arkansas and Missouri. All of these were under vaccinated states.
rexdutchman's Avatar
Answer this would you get a vaccine if you knew 10 years later your going to have heart problems kidney etc , because THEY don't know ( Experimental )
Duane DeHate started a TikTok to ask for prayers. He's struggling to recover from COVID after getting fully vaccinated. His initial reaction to Moderna was blood clots, but now has cysts and lesions on his kidneys and spine. He regrets getting the jab.

Also there will ALWAYS be flu , cold VIRUS that kill some people ( doctors have no cure yet for life LOL)

And I have said this from the start if you want vaccine / mask I don't hold it against anyone , My issue is your not being told facts about covid/vaccines