Virus blundering cuts Biden approval to lowest point

  • oeb11
  • 08-17-2021, 09:51 AM

Democrats offer some harsh reviews of Biden on Afghanistan

Biden has set the inflation time bomb

President Biden’s approval ratings continue to sink, driven in part by his administration’s unmet promises of ending COVID.
© Provided by Washington Examiner Several new polls show that the president is at his lowest point yet, and likely to go lower due to the crisis in Afghanistan.

Rasmussen Reports today said that their presidential tracker had Biden at just 46% approve, tying his low mark. And 53% disapprove of Biden.
In the latest analysis, Biden stands at 50%, “the lowest point so far in his eight months in office.”
The site blames the president’s handling of the coronavirus crisis, noting that while he was once seen as the nation’s savior, just 55% now approve of his handling of COVID.
GOP pollster Jim McLaughlin said that Biden -- and all politicians -- can blame lower ratings on the virus. He said that voters don’t want to hear anymore medical advice from political leaders or even doctors seen as part of Washington’s “health care complex.”
He told Secrets today, “Anthony Fauci, Joe Biden and the entire industrial health care complex have lost the faith and trust of the American people,” he said.
And, he added, it is an especially bad message for Biden and the Democrats. “COVID was the one issue the Democrats had the advantage on. Now you look at the inflation, crime spikes, immigration crisis and the Afghanistan debacle, this is just one big record of failure for Biden and the Democrats,” he added.
McLaughlin provided Secrets with COVID data from his most recent survey. It showed that just 9% trust COVID news from politicians compared to 79% from doctors.
“Americans want to hear from their doctor, physician and other local health care professionals when it comes to the vaccines and COVID information, and not the politicians and the government health care bureaucrats. There is a real distrust of government agencies and political leaders when it comes to vaccines and COVID information,” said McLaughlin in his poll analysis.
He added, “A swing, suburban, Independent, female, Biden voter put it quite succinctly, 'Unfortunately, what’s happened when it comes to COVID is…too many politicians are trying to sound like doctors and medical experts…and too many of the doctors and medical experts are sounding like politicians.'”

Not mention bankrupting america, Afghanistan abysmal performance, - senile Joe is headed for teh absolute bottom of teh list of Worst American Presidents ever .
Obama was 'Right" - fiden is on teh wrong side - every time.

and Still - there are those sheeples of teh DPST party who see teh Dementia Joe as a 'Monumental genius".

Someones should see their eye doctor - and perceive Reality as Reality Is.
Strokey_McDingDong's Avatar
People saw Biden as "the nation's savior?" Wtf LOL?

I did notice the Biden administration does not like to have doctors or scientists present at the task force meetings.

Fauci was at least believable in the beginning.

I think Dr. Birx got accused of siding with H I M, or something, and was canceled. I'm not sure why she didn't get as much coverage as the runny faucet.
texassapper's Avatar
He isn't even getting started blowing it yet... I'm surprised the FBI has arranged for some mental case to shoot up a school to take the heat off their boss.... wait for it....
rexdutchman's Avatar
bambino's Avatar
I would like to take this momento to tell the Biden administration to take those booster shots out of the box, take a good look at them, think about something pretty AND STICK THEM UP THEIR ASS!!!
  • oeb11
  • 08-18-2021, 09:50 AM
B - I disagree with government mandates - but feel that medical care should be between a Physician and patient .

Not a door to door mandated jab or be cancelled per fiden and teh communist minions.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
  • oeb11
  • 08-18-2021, 11:48 AM
Buck fiden!!!!!!!