afghani refugees

dilbert firestorm's Avatar

From the Afghanistan Pew Survey conducted in non-Taliban times:
99% say they want Sharia
96% say converting others to Islam is a duty
94% say wife always obliged to obey husband
85% say stoning must for adultery
79% say death must for apostasy
39% say suicide bombing justified

bambino's Avatar
Send Michele Obama there. What’s the punishment for being a tranny?
  • oeb11
  • 08-17-2021, 05:26 PM
When their afghani 'invitees' stone harris, pelosi, schumer, and DPSTs for being 'kafir" - they may have a few moments regret of their foolishnesss.
pfunkdenver's Avatar
Send Michele Obama there. What’s the punishment for being a tranny? Originally Posted by bambino
You are an amazingly foolish, and rude man. I hope you're not married. I'd seriously pity that poor woman.
bambino's Avatar
You are an amazingly foolish, and rude man. I hope you're not married. I'd seriously pity that poor woman. Originally Posted by pfunkdenver
She’s a real female.

All the best
  • oeb11
  • 08-17-2021, 06:58 PM
Take 'em all home to your bedroom - punkfd
Be my guest - and take home all your diseased illegal aliens as well.
closest One will ever get a 'real' female'.
did not identify teh species.
My friend says Afghan refugee like me need to report to America for money and healthcare. I still bullet in leg. Need healthcare. Need check. Need goat. Taliban good. Biden better!

Help me make America Sharia wonderland.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Send Michele Obama there. What’s the punishment for being a tranny? Originally Posted by bambino
theres no punishment for being a tranny. Iran is most accepting of them. others are like "meh" barely tolerated.
rexdutchman's Avatar
What about covid ,,,, testing , masks vaccines
bambino's Avatar
dilbert firestorm's Avatar Originally Posted by bambino