The "Debate"

Mr. Universe, Donald Trump, takes on The Nine Dwarves

By Charles Hurt - - Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Why is it that the only time Republicans ever do anything interesting, they get dragged into it kicking and screaming?

Ross Perot and his fever charts were the bane of the country club set.

Sarah Palin and her hockey mom lipstick gave them the vapors in their Brooks Brothers wingtips.

Now comes Donald Trump, in what is sure to be an epic debate faceoff in Cleveland Thursday night. The Donald versus everybody! Mr. Universe takes on The Nine Dwarves! The Boss schools nine quaking little Apprentices!

In your mind, you can see the lighted-up marquee outside the arena with searchlights scanning the skies and hear the pro wrestling announcer intoning the combatants with grand hoopla. Truly, a Lincoln/Douglas-style debate for modern American masses!

And by the look on Republicans’ faces today and the faces of expert political journalists everywhere, you would think something rotten had died and begun leaking.

Now I do not envy the Fox News debate moderators. It will be no easy task containing the uncontainable.

I mean, what are they going to do? Cut off Donald Trump’s mic?

When somebody tried that on Ronald Reagan, he famously bellowed that he had, in fact, paid for the microphone. His impolitic outburst helped cement his 1980 landslide election and assured a presidency that remains a guiding vision for Republicans still today.

But before Ronald Reagan became one of the GOP’s most enduring political forces of the century, he was dismissed and scoffed at by all the political experts as a vulgar outsider who needed not to be taken seriously.

Sound familiar?

So what exactly does happen when somebody cuts Donald Trump’s mic?

Hard to say, since it has probably never happened before. He generally owns all the mics he talks into or is saying something so interesting or shocking that nobody wants to turn it off.

I would imagine cutting Donald Trump’s mic would be something like taking a banana away from a gorilla. This alone is enough to spark something entertaining. But what makes this exact situation so watchable is that there will be nine other slightly terrified politicians in the cage with the gorilla when they take away his banana.

And not only will there be nine politicians in the cage with the hungry and increasingly agitated gorilla, but each of those politicians will have a banana of their own that they must protect if they want to stay in the debate.

When Mr. Trump charges, how quickly do you think these pressure-washed, blow-dried, lip-plumped, whisker-waxed little sissies hold onto their little bananas before giving them up?

I predict that within the first 15 glorious minutes of this most glorious debate, Donald Trump will be standing at a podium — perhaps the podium he was assigned, perhaps not — and he will be holding his broken microphone. On the lectern before him will be nine more working microphones.

Trying to maintain normalcy, debate moderators dutifully turn to Marco Rubio with a question about his dizzying flip-flops on illegal immigration. Mr. Rubio starts to answer, but nothing comes out of his throat. He looks to Mr. Trump, who glares.

The camera pans back to Mr. Rubio, who dives out of the camera shot for a glass of water. When he leans back into the frame, and he says, “Uh, you know, whatever Mr. Trump says. You know, somebody’s doing the raping.”

But since he has no microphone, only the first few rows of the live audience can hear him.

Moderators then ask ex-Texas Gov. Rick Perry where, exactly, in his shorts he kept the gun he used to shoot a coyote while jogging a few years back.

Long silence. Blinking behind his European-style rectangular eyewear. More silence.

“Oops, I forgot,” Perry says.

Mr. Trump rolls his eyes and looks at the moderators. “He put glasses on so people think he’s smart. People can see through the glasses.”

Then he turns back to Mr. Perry and reminds him how he had instructed him to take an IQ test before participating in another debate.

Then Mr. Trump informs Mr. Perry he is, in fact, fired.

Jeb Bush interrupts to defend his fellow governor and tells Mr. Trump he has no qualifications whatsoever to fire a real-life governor. To which Mr. Trump responds with a wave of the hand: “Loser!”

Please. Mentioning Lincoln and Douglass in the same breath as Donald fucking Trump, is evidence that the writer is a fucking moron.
Big Donors Warn Candidates On Eve Of Debate: “Take Trump Out”

Posted on August 5, 2015 by DCWhispers

Though the Fox News promos state it is a debate of Republican candidates, most of the network’s on-air personalities have admitted publicly it has turned into the Donald Trump show as the top GOP contender has become the single most referenced topic on the minds of everyone following the 2016 Race for the White House.

That reality is not sitting well with GOP power brokers who are said to have made it clear to operatives linked to a variety of candidate camps that Donald Trump cannot be allowed to appear to win tomorrow night’s debate. Some are said to have taken an even more aggressive stance by indicating Trump’s Republican rivals are to “take him out” tomorrow night.

Trump has shocked the GOP establishment with his currently growing base of support based largely on his straight talk and a repeated promise to “Make America Great Again.”

That dominance is said to be facing its most focused challenge tomorrow night as Mr. Trump will be target #1 for a number of GOP hopefuls who have been told their own presidential hopes will be finished if they do not help in breaking the Trump momentum once and for all. This threat is said to come from an assortment of Wall Street and business interests concerned over the potential volatility of a Trump political machine – volatility that might make him “unmanageable” should he actually go on to become the Republican nominee.

It should also be noted some of these high-powered donors are helping to finance the campaigns of BOTH Hillary Clinton and Jeb Bush. Presently, Donald Trump represents the single greatest threat to their intention of controlling the outcome of the 2016 presidential election.

Of the candidates who are said to have been given their anti-Trump marching orders last night, one was apparently told with the greatest sense of urgency – Senator Marco Rubio.

Senator Rubio is currently sitting near the bottom of the top-tier candidate rankings with just 5% support among Republican voters. He was not so long ago viewed by some to be a legitimate contender for the GOP nomination. If he is to regain that former momentum (and the all-important campaign dollars that come to a real contender) he must prove himself to the political donor class tomorrow night by coming out aggressively against Mr. Trump.

It was reportedly the Rubio campaign that was specifically given the directive to, “take Trump out” during this week’s debate.


Please. Mentioning Lincoln and Douglass in the same breath as Donald fucking Trump, is evidence that the writer is a fucking moron. Originally Posted by WombRaider
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
You do know that Douglas (only one S) was a corrupt, Chicago (is that redundant?) lawyer? Trump is pure as the wind driven snow compared to Stephen Douglas (note the single S). When Douglas, who won the election, was in the senate he arranged for a railroad purchase through Chicago. It seems that that rail line when through 16 properties owned by Douglas. Douglas became very rich overnight but he died a couple of years later.
For us history people, comparing Trump to Douglas is kind of stupid but not for the reasons you think.
Wonder if Chris Matthews will have another " something is tingling and running down my leg " moment ? Or what Raving Madcow will say to slam it and promote the socialist party line and Shrillary.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Great thread again OslObbrin!

Whatever happened to that hot avatar of yours?

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! You're funnier than a retard in a room full of bouncy balls!
a retard in a room full of bouncy balls! Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

BottomFeeder the ShitEater, quit putting the balls in your mouth.

Who the hell watches pre-season games?
Who the hell watches pre-season games? Originally Posted by MooneyFlyer
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