guys its ...over

Plastic Man's Avatar
as most a ya ...fellers know yer ...plastic man ...does enjoy ...special ...privileges based on the lifetime ...premium access he done earned through his ...service an commitment ta the beloved jimmie ...board

...well as somes has heard the rumors done be true an our home here will ...soon be shuttered has done been an honor servin with ...ya alls through these wars a the ...whores buts in the end we did earn a significant victory against the flesh ...monsters an their ...attempts ta deball

...while many cucks ...have fallen an beens turned ta the miserable male ...lesbians now sadly roamin the soon ta be ...emptied hallowed halls like thoughtless ...zombies those that ...remain ...intact can holds their heads peckers ...high

...god bless our deliverance an know yer ...plastic man ...feels ...the great honor a servin withs each an ...every one a yas
Gotyour6's Avatar
it's been...interesting.
Seems like we are currently living under a Dictatorship.
If their shutting it down I for one, will miss Plastic Man’s words of wit. Hopefuly we’ll find the stuttering pricks wisdom on the shit house walls in truck stops, the cellars of slimy saloons and porn shop peep shows. Plastic Man for Governor