How discreet...

Just wondering if anyone else is the same boat of being super discreet due to employment reasons? I find it hard to give up my info knowing it can be found easier than most. It's mostly why I stay in the amps.

There are a few girls I've talked to but to no avail. Just curious how y'all handled giving up your info.
DarthMaul's Avatar
I did but I am single and I didn't have any reviews at the time. But that was (4) years ago.
As a provider who does accept employment verification for newbies, I often wonder what causes this fear... Are the men in question afraid we're going to call their boss and tell them, "Hey, I'm Sue Sexxxboxx, the escort Joe Blow was trying to get an appointment with... Can you have him call me back at 713suckdik? I left off the second "c" because it's silent - unlike me, teehee!"
I've now given out my employment info to 3 different entities --- Date Check, p411, and a well reviewed provider. I didn't have a problem with any of them.

I do understand why someone would be reluctant.

Also, if I had to do it over again, I'd be posting on here under a different handle. But whatever. It's not worth it to me to change it.

You gotta make your choices. If you're going to hook up with someone established, you'll have to prove you're not law enforcement. And then, even if you do, the provider is taking a chance you're not a scumbag like the POS that's raping providers in North Houston right now, or someone who is going to fall in "stalker love". So be at least somewhat appreciative someone is taking a chance on you even WITH employment info.

Or, go with someone who doesn't do much screening. Let me know how that works out for you. That's a chance I will never take. Ever. To me, that's riskier than giving out my info.

I don't know if that helps or not, but that's my perspective.
  • iquit
  • 02-07-2013, 05:37 AM
As a provider who does accept employment verification for newbies, I often wonder what causes this fear... Are the men in question afraid we're going to call their boss and tell them, "Hey, I'm Sue Sexxxboxx, the escort Joe Blow was trying to get an appointment with... Can you have him call me back at 713suckdik? I left off the second "c" because it's silent - unlike me, teehee!" Originally Posted by theCFE
Yep, that is the fear. The fear is that a crazy bitch who wants to screw you up can do that and you would not know who it was, especially if you are married and for some reason, she gets pissed off, some guyz like me, just never give up the kind of information that may connect our real lives to the hobby to a stranger. The never ending battle of trust in this endeavour.

I have never had to give up my work info, you may know wht i do but not where i do it. In short, if i disappear from this world, no one will ever be able to trace me to it, and that is how i wanna keep it. I am extremely discreet for reasons i care not to say. In any case, to the OP, you never have to give up your information to anyone. There are ways around it, now p411 is one that has a lot more to lose than you do if they use your info the wrong way so they wont, and they are also based in Canada and have no motive to screw up over your info, so less chances of your discreetness being violated.
As a provider who does accept employment verification for newbies, I often wonder what causes this fear... Are the men in question afraid we're going to call their boss and tell them, "Hey, I'm Sue Sexxxboxx, the escort Joe Blow was trying to get an appointment with... Can you have him call me back at 713suckdik? I left off the second "c" because it's silent - unlike me, teehee!" Originally Posted by theCFE
That is the exact reason right there. I had a side piece going for a good while till she flipped shit and went bat shit crazy. You know how hard it is to conceal someone who is out for blood? theCFE, would you give me your REAL business card and place of employment? I know it's about safety but I have just as much to loose.

To me an escort has nothing to loose so why wouldn't they screw you. Plus there's just to much negative news in my line of work and I'd sure hate to be that guy.

I also understand the concern and safety for the escorts as well. I just wish there was an easier way. Paying for an escort is much easier than picking up a lonely woman 90% of the time.

P411 is a site I'll be looking into. Seems like it's the only way to please both sides.
I've now given out my employment info to 3 different entities --- Date Check, p411, and a well reviewed provider. I didn't have a problem with any of them.

I do understand why someone would be reluctant.

Also, if I had to do it over again, I'd be posting on here under a different handle. But whatever. It's not worth it to me to change it.

You gotta make your choices. If you're going to hook up with someone established, you'll have to prove you're not law enforcement. And then, even if you do, the provider is taking a chance you're not a scumbag like the POS that's raping providers in North Houston right now, or someone who is going to fall in "stalker love". So be at least somewhat appreciative someone is taking a chance on you even WITH employment info.

Or, go with someone who doesn't do much screening. Let me know how that works out for you. That's a chance I will never take. Ever. To me, that's riskier than giving out my info.

I don't know if that helps or not, but that's my perspective. Originally Posted by proudoftexas
Thanks for the info. I'll look into p411. Sounds legit and if its a golden ticket then I'm in. I had to fuck buddies who went crazy on me. So I had/have it mind that paying for them to go away and not wreck your life is much better than fretting the worse case scenario. The problem I have is I know an escort could very well do the same.

Just so y'all know, when you hook up with a nurse, they are all game for a few weeks, then they get needy. You would have though I learned a lesson but as normal, I get caught up thinking with the wrong head.
My original P411 verification came from a well established P411 provider, who also used to frequently advertise on BP. She saw me in response to her BP ad and later gladly vouched for P411 verification and no one has ever asked me about employment. Just another way if your really insecure about work.
tbone77494's Avatar
I think limiting number of visits with a provider also helps
I won't slip and give too much info on first or second visit. But if it becomes an ATF regular I might let my guard down and slip. Then if she flips on me I'm screwed. Besides, so many ladies to see and variety is one of my main hobby goals.
notanewbie's Avatar
As a provider who does accept employment verification for newbies, I often wonder what causes this fear... Are the men in question afraid we're going to call their boss and tell them, "Hey, I'm Sue Sexxxboxx, the escort Joe Blow was trying to get an appointment with... Can you have him call me back at 713suckdik? I left off the second "c" because it's silent - unlike me, teehee!" Originally Posted by theCFE
terribly funny post.
Seedy's Avatar
  • Seedy
  • 02-07-2013, 09:21 AM
I did but I am single and I didn't have any reviews at the time. But that was (4) years ago. Originally Posted by DarthMaul
I am in the same boat, single, don't give a rats ass. You guys that are married, well I do not know what to say except, is it worth it? When I was married, I never even thought about doing this. And i am not trying to be the morality police, in the slightest.
HoustonMatt's Avatar
it's not even about being married. yes, obviously if the spouse found out, that could be bad news. but we're talking about employment information.

Some of us are self-employed in a respectable profession. Or some of us are working professionals, whether it be doctor, lawyer or accountant, etc etc. Or who the f*ck knows, maybe even public figures like politicians. If our info ever got out there, that could be really bad news. I will never give out my employment info to a provider for screening. Or p411 for that matter. If I've seen a provider several times and we develop a closer bond, than I'll divulge a little about what I do.

Even my SB's don't know everything, why would I tell a provider?
I suppose you guys could do something wacky like visit with a well-established, well-respected provider who does have something to lose, such as her reputation - and therefore, her business. There may be crazy civilians out there who will stalk you, but I would imagine most professional providers are just happy you are not a crazy stalker. Believe it or not, that's a far greater concern for us, if for no other reason than the law of averages - the higher the volume, the higher the probability. Then there's the concern of violence, robbing, and entrapment. Like most of you gentlemen, I have a LOT to lose. Most of these ladies do. Some of them are no doubt inviting strangers into their home. How many of you anti-screeners are willing to do that? I'm sure you're aware of the risks involved, but there are risks on both sides. I may be biased, but I see more risks on our side. You may lose a job or family; we may lose those things, plus our life.
Beau Derierre's Avatar
Sometimes I really do not understand the logic of a man's fear for screening. Men act like screening is as a dentist appointment. Most reputable providers only care about being safe. It's not LE that we have to be scared of. It's the sickos out there that will rob,rape or become a potential stalker. I as a provider only care about if you are safe. I have no intentions of blackmailing or interfering with your life what so ever. I wouldn't want you doing that to me. And yes I know someone right now that met a client and now she will not work cause he stalks the hell out of her, threatening to call LE and CPS on her. Men can be just as vindictive as women. For me as a provider I look at it as my business I protect. I don't even keep numbers the only way I remember you is through pm , p411 etc it's not worth blackmailing one man when a provider has the potential to see many great gents and earn a decent living. Blackmail is a charge all in its self, a smart gal is trying to avoid any charges. If you stick with women that do not screen then most likely you get what you pay for. Join p411 it's a great way to get started in the hobby. If your fear is too great then maybe the hobby is just not for you.
If your fear is too great then maybe the hobby is just not for you. Originally Posted by SensualSpecialist
I agree with this fully. No one is trying to force anyone to see escorts. Maybe it is more wise to evaluate why it is that you feel you need or desire such services in the first place. It may be less risky to try to sort out your personal life than giving out your information and then worrying what is being done with it. Think about it.

CFE is right also.

This topic comes up multiple times per week across the forums, do a search and see how others have handled this.