side tats???

guitarboyaspd's Avatar
ask risk at sounding like one of the old dudes in the WAMU commercials, what the hell is up with all the cute younger gals getting the sides of their torso all inked up?

some of the more ornate artwork i can understand - it's just not my taste.

but what about 3 or 4 lines of script that seems to be showing-up more and more regularly? is it cool in the ghetto? is it done by bad boyfriends? or in the pokey?
To answer in short, I don't think it has anything to do with the ghetto, bad boyfriends or prison. Tattoos are more pervasive in young culture today than it may have been ten to twenty years ago and a more acceptable form of self expression. Some people have a lot of ink. It's just the new normal.
I think body art on some women is totally sexy.. it is a matter of self expression and to me a woman that has ink shows that she is totally comfortable in her body. What a more sensual way to express yourself than with your own body.. Personally I am always asked why I never got any, I grew up a punk rocker in SoCal, shave my head (among other things ladies!!) played semi-pro rugby for 4 years.. I fit the mold- just never happened.. nowadays- eh my SO would give me shit as she is old school like the OP.
But if I had a GF I am sure she would have some ink and I would encourage her to if she so desired..

BTW one of my favorite things to do is wetly kiss and trace my partners tats- fun bit of foreplay.. never had a complaint.. thats for sure, remember Nosweat told you that trick bro..
Jules Jaguar's Avatar
To answer in short, I don't think it has anything to do with the ghetto, bad boyfriends or prison. Tattoos are more pervasive in young culture today than it may have been ten to twenty years ago and a more acceptable form of self expression. Some people have a lot of ink. It's just the new normal. Originally Posted by sensualsanaa
Great answer!!
  • Stag
  • 06-06-2012, 12:11 PM
(1) I guess I really AM an old man. I don't understand all the ink these days, either.

(2) I can appreciate self-expression. You should have seen my long, flowing golden blond hair back in the day when us hippies annoyed the Sinatra generation -- now THAT's some self-expression. But it wasn't permanent, thank GAWD. (Unless you count the pictures in my college yearbook that my kids are constantly threatening to show the world.) Body ink is harder to get rid of than old pictures.

(3) I try not to be judgmental, really I do. (Hippy, remember?) But every time I see some 20 year old hottie with tats, I can't help but cry "what a WASTE" on the inside, even though I try to maintain a calm facade on the outside. It's just not attractive to me now, and I fervently believe it will not be attractive to anyone in about 10 years.

(4) If your profession (even if it's a "just for now" profession) is giving fantasy-based pleasure to old fekkers like me, shouldn't you take that into consideration? How many reviews here say "a few tats, but not too distracting" or something like that?

Rant over. See you at the penis-piercing parlor.
MickeyBlue's Avatar
They are just trying to be an individual like everyone else.
guitarboyaspd's Avatar
i'm all for self-expression... but hell, isn't that what art/music is for???

yeah- i see everyones point of view... we all have different tastes.. my SO thinks tats are trashy kinda like Stag.. but maybe that is why I am so attracted to chicks with them..
Stag, it is interesting that you mention the long hair as a kind if "f u " to the Sinatra generation. We all come out and try to prove we are different than the last generation. The extreme hairstyles were all done by the time punk ran out in the 80s, so us 90s kids needed some way to prove we were cooler than the old man. It started with the armbands and the tramp stamps, and now it is side tats and sleeves. We are all trying to self actualize, to stand out from the crowding everyone else. The ironic conformity of non-conformity.
killswitch321's Avatar
I don't mind Side ink as much if it looks cool. I can't stand front neck Tats though. Its like a mole on the face to me, how can I talk to someone if my eyes are staring on the that thing.
TinMan's Avatar
The hardness of my dick is unaffected by the amount of ink on my partner's body. But I do know a fair number that regret some of their artistic choices once they try to get a real job. The side tats, at least, aren't visible in business clothing.
And maybe that's the point, body art that hides like a fart under the covers. If a tat can't be seen in street clothes, is it really there?
Sleepy363's Avatar
It's the "in" thing.

I blame Mike Tyson.
berkleigh's Avatar
Recently had this convo and we decided to get our left sides done when in Vegas!

My girlfriend has hers done and she said it was quite painful!
That just makes me want it more lol!

I'm super excited and love the rush!

~ You Only Live Once ~
netman's Avatar
Personally, I prefer the side boob view.