This story is not for Providers that are doing really well or HDH with GPS.

It might be better to leave everything separately but, I just thought I would throw this out there to see the response by providers that are looking to supplement your income.

There was a Discussion in chat earlier today, that started because a couple providers were complaining that business was slow and raising or lowering rates was not the answer. They tried everything from getting new photos, moved to different areas of the city, etc. So, they decided to travel and found out that touring is not profitable either because you spend everything you make on traveling expense and cannot save a dime. A couple of guy’s mentioned to get a real world job to supplement the slow times but, without special skills, a good paying job might be out of reach and a minimum wage job at McDonald’s, Wal-Mart, or Target will not be enough to pay all her bills, after working long hours.

I know we heard similar stories before with no solution.

Here I am with money in my pocket and a good job, wondering how I can help these ladies. Having a session with them is just a temporary fix for their bills. They need more of a long term fix during the slow times. I am thinking about what else do I need besides my pipes cleaned from time to time? I need a Maid to help me clean my house and garage. I need a Provider. I need a helper to help me hang pictures and go shopping together. I need a companion to go to dinner with. I need a Geisha girl to massage, pamper me and have a candle light bubble bath together. I need a weekend Wife. She don’t do all the work, we work as a team, together.

Then I am thinking, how much a weekend wife will cost me at providers rates, forget about it, I will do it myself. But Wait; there are many different kinds of rates here. It’s not constant fucking. (Maid Rates, Helper Rates, Massage girl rates, you’re not going to give me a rate to watch you eat right?) Then I start thinking if they are willing to work long hours at Wal-Mart for minimum wage, then maybe they might be interested in this idea? Anything is better than waiting for the phone to ring and it never does, or working at McDonalds. Meanwhile, the bills are piling up. If I were in their shoes with no job and bills piling up, I would rather be a maid/provider/geisha-girl/helper/weekend wife than work at any of those places.

What do ya’ll think?

Good or Bad idea?

“PM me if you are interested and are in the far north Dallas area”

It's called a suger daddy
It's called a suger daddy Originally Posted by OldButStillGoing
I don't think Sugar Babies are Maids that will clean your house and garage. They might do the rest of what i mentioned but, I don't think they will just be a sugar baby for the weekend either. I never had a sugar baby but, from what i heard, they want more than i am willing to give. A long term commitment and a monthly check.

Very interesting topic. It might be more fun to hire a lady at $25/hr to help you go shopping and clean your closet, etc. if you expect her to be all dolled up, then I'd think $40/hr might be fair.
Randall Creed's Avatar
Not a bad idea in theory. It's not a bad idea for ladies to supplement their incomes or patch up financial lulls. One has to be careful what you have them doing and where, and who could see/find out. You don't always know who other hobbyists are, and if they see her edging your sidewalk or painting your garage, it may make them go What the hell is my ATF doing helping this MF'ker paint his garage?

Don't get it twisted. $25 an hour is good fucking money (no pun intended). Hell, I'll help a MF'er paint his house for that much. Don't get caught up too much in thinking that 'only' making that much is beneath you. 4 hours of light work comes out to $100, all for working one morning that was slow as hell (phone not ringing once). That's a week to 10 days worth of food, depending on your dietary habits.

if some hanky-panky urges occurred in the process, that's a different story. But the idea is a noble one and is better than sitting around literally doing nothing.

In the past, I've given a few 'pity' sessions to get ladies through a stretch. While I may not have been in the mood, necessarily, if she could get me wood and made me pop, it would've been worth it. Some guys would be like, 'get lost', but if I have a few bucks to spare, that's just the kind of 'sav-a-ho' guy I am.
Great thread Copier. It gives me something to think about.
bored@home's Avatar
Agreed in therory a day laborer type pool could be helpful for the right circumstances. Not long ago, I was in a jam and needed a extra set of hands. Everyone that owed me a favor was busy and it was last minute. I thought about an ISO here but opted for a tedious approach. All said and done to do over I would pay $25 an hour....maybe not for house cleaning though.
im wondering, isn't the weekend the most profitable for providers. I would think that would be when they make the most, I could be wrong, buthow about a flat rate instead of by the hour.
I think this has possibilities...good suggestion, CG. Hell, even $15-$20 isn't bad...and should she get "the call" in the middle of something we're doing, I wouldn't be opposed to her taking off. Even if its the two of you. Nothing like that spontaneous moment...

This merits more investigating.
  • Rehke
  • 01-18-2014, 08:59 PM
Y'all are going to find that this tree isn't worth barking up. I'll wager most providers would rather be broke & wait for that call at their rates than do "harder" work at lower rates.

I'm sure there are exceptions, but IMO, that's where the probabilities lie and matches my anecdotal evidence.
TexasDave555's Avatar
Not a bad idea at all.... with clear cut guidelines on expectations ahead of time and the right chemistry it could work and work well for everyone.
Audrey Astor's Avatar
I have been taking time off, so I am not real sure how slow it is, but.... if you and a lady truly do enjoy each other, why not? I have a similar relationship with a friend of mine who started as a client. He works, I take bubble baths, make dinner, go grocery shopping, help with household chores, cuddle etc. It is a great win/win relationship. The caveat is that we actually like each other and enjoy each others company.
interesting to hear all of you guys' thoughts.
TinMan's Avatar
"Honey, who are those attractive women out there doing our yard work?"
"Uh...just some day laborers I picked up next door to the RaceTrac"
"In bikinis?"
"Yeah, babe, I felt sorry for them cuz they can't afford proper clothes. That's why I picked them!"
TexTushHog's Avatar
I'd be dubious of the quality of the labor you might get. But that COULD be an advantage.

"If you can't clean any better than that, let me just pay you some extra and let's just fuck! Damn, good help is hard to find."