Bye yall!

I'm done here on Eccie, the dumbass known as DickEmDown decided it was easier to dump me instead of backing with the troll known as "billyland" aka "tomjunebaby".

Edit by Staff: OUTING is NEVER allowed! "Mr. Dumbass…" uh, I mean DED

Why am I doing this?? Simple; the admins, mainly DickEmDown decided it was easier to let a troll out me that to deal with him. I asked for their help several times and they never once did a damn thing. I was already considering leaving Eccie but I wasn't will let Edit have the win.

Well DED is a damn bureaucrat that walks in at 10 minutes to 5 on a Friday and tells everyone "This wasn't filed correctly and no one leaves until it's right", of course he could have done that sooner but he's too fucking lazy and only wants everyone to look like they are doing everything right.

I have made some great friends here, I love yall but enough is enough. Now I get to play with the troll without rules. Edit, you are about to become very well known!

Btw, screenshot this before it 'disappears'. Eccie will protect a fucking troll with their dying breath. Dumbasses.

I'm going back to having a good life and NOT doing volunteer work to making someone else money! My friends, I'll see you soon. My enemies, I'll see you sooner.

Merry Christmas you beautiful people!!!
Cassie107's Avatar
What's good for the goose is good for the gander they say. Years of outing people and accusations of being outed and now he truly has been. I don't know what to say about a hooker board that takes the side of someone who calls the FBI when they get mad. Even sadder are the people who will deal with him after all of this. Better not ruffle his feathers or Leo will be coming for you I suppose. The Mississippi board will miss you Roadlizard. Myself I also don't know if this board is worth it much more either. At this rate gentlemen I wish you luck.
dj8rocks's Avatar
RL, we sure as hell hate to see you go. But I certainly understand that it leaves a piss poor taste in ones mouth to not only try to do what’s right, but to fight an uphill battle against the brand you are trying in vain to ride for. Morals, ethics and having the spine to stand up and fight for what you believe in are qualities that are getting harder and harder to find these days. I wish you peace and longevity in all of your endeavors, it’s been a pleasure to have associated with you. dj8
Sounds like nothing a good old fashioned beatdown wouldn't take care of. You know I still think the best way for two men to handle an issue like the two of you have been having is to just meet in person and hash it out like kids on the playground. I still throw fist every chance I get even with men half my age. I find even if you get bested as long as you put up a good fight the other party will at least have some respect and usually let bullshit like this die like it should have a long time ago. Sorry to see you go RL you did a fine job as a mod. Hopefully all the bs between you and mr L will end now. If it dosent I would tell you to try it my way but your so fucking old a fight would likely kill you. Good luck in all your future endeavors
I hate drama! I thought this was a place to find fun friends and useful information! Not bullshit and drama!
We need to remember there was only 1 perfect man and we got pissed off and crucified him. I just hope E will at least get our new Mod from MS and not somewhere 10 states away.

A lot of people here know me and RL had a severe disagreement at 1 point. But he was always at least honest and up front with me, and tried to be a good mod.
wildcat4fun's Avatar
Good luck Roadlizard, i do not recall ever meeting you but wish you the best.
Wow RL, hate to see you go. Will hopefully catch up with you on some other boards. Thanks for all you did to keep it positive in MS.
Just saying one thing, don't know who we will get as MOD, but be careful what you wish for, because you may get it. We may get a MOD that wants to crack the whip on every little in fraction, stifles discussion and is a dick in general. Good bad or ugly, I submitted myself for consideration this morning in an effort to get someone the MS Community knows. Not saying I am the best person for it but wanted to try and get a "friendly face".

Regardless of who we get, we need to extend a hearty MS "HOWDY" to whomever we get, support them 10,000%, and not give them any undue headaches.
Wakeup's Avatar
Actually it was my recommendation that you be removed as a moderator, DED pushed the buttons, so don’t be angry at him. I can see I was correct in my assessment of your mentality when it comes to your position. I hope someone can pass my best wishes on to you, and good luck in your future endeavors...

For the rest of you. Being a troll isn’t against the guidelines. Outing most definitely is. We expect our moderators to enforce the guidelines equally amongst all of the membership, regardless of their personal views of the member involved. Some moderators are capable of doing that, some obviously aren’t. Your local moderators are not above the guidelines, and when I find one of them not fulfilling the duties of their position correctly, there will be consequences for them.

I would ask all of the membership here to acquaint themselves with the published guidelines. Specifically #5, #21, and #27 in this case.

Just saying one thing, don't know who we will get as MOD, but be careful what you wish for, because you may get it. Originally Posted by Mr Lickher Right
Never have truer words been spoken...especially when it comes to me...

P.S.-There is no “good for the goose and gander” allowed here. Outing will never be tolerated...of anyone...y’all will play with that nuclear rule at your own risk...
Mature Companion's Avatar
Why the fuck can't ya'll leave these fucking bat shit, crazy bullshit dramas, in the shitter OFF these damn hobby boards?????

I swear, too many of ya'll are NOT utilizing this adult hobby, as you should be. And it's a piss poor fucking shame.

I can't stand all these board buddies etc. Up each others ass and not in the pleasurable way.

This adult hobby is about SO MUCH MORE!
Put down the keyboard and get out there and fucking enjoy this adult lifestyle as it's meant to enjoy. Hell, that's why I'm sane and lovin' life!!
Fuckin' lovin' and leaving!! Life is grand!!

STOP being off board, in each others business....buddies with everyone you fuck.
That's where ya'll stir up and cause all this fucking nonsense drama.
And you make folks NOT want to partake on the ADULT lifestyle boards.

Go fuck. Go play, go have a good time and for christ sake, LEAVE!
Go back to life and only return to rinse/repeat and get exhausted having adult fun.

Thank god I don't mingle with all the drama groupies. Ya'll are giving me a fucking headache and not the good kind between my legs.

Someone had to say it.
Mature Companion's Avatar
Why the fuck can't ya'll leave these fucking bat shit, crazy bullshit dramas, in the shitter OFF these damn hobby boards?????

I swear, too many of ya'll are NOT utilizing this adult hobby, as you should be. And it's a piss poor fucking shame.

I can't stand all these board buddies etc. Up each others ass and not in the pleasurable way.

This adult hobby is about SO MUCH MORE!
Put down the keyboard and get out there and fucking enjoy this adult lifestyle as it's meant to enjoy. Hell, that's why I'm sane and lovin' life!!
Fuckin' lovin' and leaving!! Life is grand!!

STOP being off board, in each others business....buddies with everyone you fuck.
That's where ya'll stir up and cause all this fucking nonsense drama.
And you make folks NOT want to partake on the ADULT lifestyle boards.

Go fuck. Go play, go have a good time and for christ sake, LEAVE!
Go back to life and only return to rinse/repeat and get exhausted having adult fun.

Thank god I don't mingle with all the drama groupies. Ya'll are giving me a fucking headache and not the good kind between my legs.

Someone had to say it.
Amen Sister!
Please stay and let us know when you’re in Jackson, Cassie107
wildcat4fun's Avatar

Why the fuck can't ya'll leave these fucking bat shit, crazy bullshit dramas, in the shitter OFF these damn hobby boards?????

I swear, too many of ya'll are NOT utilizing this adult hobby, as you should be. And it's a piss poor fucking shame.

I can't stand all these board buddies etc. Up each others ass and not in the pleasurable way.

This adult hobby is about SO MUCH MORE!
Put down the keyboard and get out there and fucking enjoy this adult lifestyle as it's meant to enjoy. Hell, that's why I'm sane and lovin' life!!
Fuckin' lovin' and leaving!! Life is grand!!

STOP being off board, in each others business....buddies with everyone you fuck.
That's where ya'll stir up and cause all this fucking nonsense drama.
And you make folks NOT want to partake on the ADULT lifestyle boards.

Go fuck. Go play, go have a good time and for christ sake, LEAVE!
Go back to life and only return to rinse/repeat and get exhausted having adult fun.

Thank god I don't mingle with all the drama groupies. Ya'll are giving me a fucking headache and not the good kind between my legs.

Someone had to say it. Originally Posted by Mature Companion