Disinformation and Fear amongst Trumps Base

Sistine Chapel's Avatar
Poor people how sad have no idea how they've been manipulated

I B Hankering's Avatar
Those Odumbo boys, Gruber and Rhodes, are on record bragging about how "#Grubered" and stupid dim-retard voters are and how dim-retards live in a dim-retard echo chamber where they hear only the misinformation they are given by the Odumbo administration, Sissy Chap, and the DNC is on record for doing the same, Sissy Chap. Plus, the DNC, Gruber and Rhodes, are proud of how they can get the "#Grubered" and stupid dim-retard voters to regurgitate that information and spew on command.

The DNC even commented on how hildebeest likes to keep her "#Grubered" minions "ignorant", Sissy Chap.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
I think Hillary voters are more manipulated than Trump voters. Hillary voters choose to ignore the truth about her dishonesty and corruption.
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
I think Hillary voters are more manipulated than Trump voters. Hillary voters choose to ignore the truth about her dishonesty and corruption. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy

Hey listen up Cutie pie. lol What you old timers don't seem to get is that dishonesty while not necessarily desirable is palatable because we can work with dishonesty. The greater threat is incompetence which is an overwhelming quality (if you will) of Donald Trump.

What I find totally hilarious is how a bunch of old guys that have to pay for sex even have the nerve to disparage Hilary about honesty. I know she's in the public light but don't base your whole argument on honesty when it's not something you really believe in personally along with your support of a dishonest business man. At least Hilary has proven competence and Trump simply cannot has not and will not ever prove he's sane and competent.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Fisting Chapel, you are an idiot. Hillary's dishonesty goes far beyond the normal political dishonesty. She will sell her position to the highest bidder. She will nominate haters of American freedom to the Supreme Court who will advance her political agenda, rather than interpret the Constitution. She will seek to destroy her political opponents, rather than risk losing to them in the marketplace of ideas.

Trump is not incompetent. He is different. He is not Establishment, nor is he politically correct. But he knows how to run things. He knows what a budget is. He knows how to appoint the right people to get the job done. He knows how to bring a job in early and under budget. He knows how to set measurable goals, and develop strategies to meet them. He is far from incompetent.

I did not like Trump at all at the beginning, but when I saw how the Establishment reacted to his growing popularity, and how the press is determined to defeat him, I looked more closely. Trump may be the only person in the country who can stop and reverse our decades long descent into a socialist dictatorship.

Trump just might actually Make America Great Again!
Hey listen up Cutie pie. lol What you old timers don't seem to get is that dishonesty while not necessarily desirable is palatable because we can work with dishonesty. The greater threat is incompetence which is an overwhelming quality (if you will) of Donald Trump.

What I find totally hilarious is how a bunch of old guys that have to pay for sex even have the nerve to disparage Hilary about honesty. I know she's in the public light but don't base your whole argument on honesty when it's not something you really believe in personally along with your support of a dishonest business man. At least Hilary has proven competence and Trump simply cannot has not and will not ever prove he's sane and competent. Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
What is Trump so incompetent about? If it's as a President, no one can say for sure. If it's as a businessman, he's not doing too bad for some of the wealth he's made. The last I heard Trump is worth Nine Billion. If it's his people skills. I bet we all need a little brushing up on that, including you. If you don't like Trump as a person that's fine. If you don't think he's right for the position of President that's fine too, don't vote for him. But don't stretch every little nit picking negative thing about the guy beyond it's capacity. All you're doing is making an ass out of yourself.

Sistine Chapel's Avatar
Fisting Chapel, you are an idiot. Hillary's dishonesty goes far beyond the normal political dishonesty. She will sell her position to the highest bidder. She will nominate haters of American freedom to the Supreme Court who will advance her political agenda, rather than interpret the Constitution. She will seek to destroy her political opponents, rather than risk losing to them in the marketplace of ideas. - I've heard all those talking points before and not sold. They are Rush Limbaugh and Sean Klannity talking points that has no substance. They're emotional based and ideology driven nothing more nothing less. I have no problem with her destroying her political opponents. That's politics 101 and what you should do in politics. However, it doesn't mean blind obstructionism like the Republicans did because they lost and were angry.

Trump is not incompetent. He is incompetent to the nth degree even his former lawyers admit that and those who've written his books for him. The guy is an empty suit of the highest order. Just look at his debates and press conferences. Just fucking retarded up there has no clue is very inarticulate, can't keep a cohesive thought and is just a intellectual clown on stage. It's just embarrassing to watch this train wreck. I'm at a loss for words over his bumbling incompetence. Hillary is going to chew him up in the debates. You saw how competent and smart she was while testifying for 13 hrs on the Benghazi hearing before Congress. Trump wouldn't have lasted 30 mins let alone 13 hrs testifying before a crowd of enemies. Personal feelings about her aside Hilary runs circles around this guy. It's not even close. He is different. On that we agree lol He is not Establishment, nor is he politically correct. But he knows how to run things. Like hell he does. 6 Bankruptcies and counting? He knows what a budget is. He knows how to appoint the right people to get the job done. He knows how to bring a job in early and under budget. Laughing my fucking ass off. Why do I even bother with this shit. Yall are wild. He knows how to set measurable goals, and develop strategies to meet them. He is far from incompetent. Good god. Have mercy on us if people really believe this.

I did not like Trump at all at the beginning, but when I saw how the Establishment reacted to his growing popularity, and how the press is determined to defeat him, I looked more closely. Trump may be the only person in the country who can stop and reverse our decades long descent into a socialist dictatorship. Face Palm

Trump just might actually Make America Great Again! Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy

^ See comments above in red
I B Hankering's Avatar
^ See comments above in red Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel

FYI, you dumb, dick-licking cocksucker, hildebeest was not interviewed by the House committee for thirteen hours, you dimwitted jackanapes. "Thirteen hours" was how long hildebeest and Odumbo left the men and women in Benghazi hanging out to suffer without sending any assistance, you blatantly lying hildebeest minion.
lustylad's Avatar
"Thirteen hours" was how long hildebeest and Odumbo left the men and women in Benghazi hanging out to suffer without sending any assistance, you blatantly lying hildebeest minion. Originally Posted by I B Hankering

Required viewing. Go to Redbox and rent it tonight, Sissy Chap.

Sistine Chapel's Avatar

FYI, you dumb, dick-licking cocksucker, hildebeest was not interviewed by the House committee for thirteen hours, you dimwitted jackanapes. "Thirteen hours" was how long hildebeest and Odumbo left the men and women in Benghazi hanging out to suffer without sending any assistance, you blatantly lying hildebeest minion.
Originally Posted by I B Hankering

My bad it was 11 hrs LOL Want me to post the video of her masterful performance against the Republicans?

Clinton survives 11-hour Benghazi grilling

The former secretary of state makes few mistakes in a fiery, marathon hearing.

Sistine Chapel's Avatar
point is the Donald is too stupid to answer questions for 30 min let alone 11 hrs. He's already screaming and trying to wiggle himself out of the debates for crying out loud. LOL
I B Hankering's Avatar
point is the Donald is too stupid to answer questions for 30 min let alone 11 hrs. He's already screaming and trying to wiggle himself out of the debates for crying out loud. LOL Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
Yeah, Sissy Chap, and there was that little fall that hildebeest had that allowed her to wiggle out of testifying before a House committee for months, Sissy Chap. And the point is, Sissy Chap, hildebeest has demonstrated that she is too incompetent to be president and the FBI director has called her too stupid to use a computer and understand fundamental provisions of American laws, Sissy Chap.

Required viewing. Go to Redbox and rent it tonight, Sissy Chap.

Originally Posted by lustylad

Sissy Chap is too stupid to connect the dots.
lustylad's Avatar
Want me to post the video of her masterful performance against the Republicans?

Clinton survives 11-hour Benghazi grilling

The former secretary of state makes few mistakes in a fiery, marathon hearing. Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel

Oh, you mean the one where she perjured herself?

You considered that to be a "masterful performance"? In perjury?

And you think she made "few mistakes" by committing perjury in front of Congress and the American people?


I B Hankering's Avatar
Oh, you mean the one where she perjured herself?

You considered that to be a "masterful performance" in perjury?

And you think she made "few mistakes" by committing perjury in front of Congress and the American people?


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pG4P5_nON4Q Originally Posted by lustylad

Perjury runs in the Clinton family.