When a lady is late to an outcall..

DianaDeepthroats's Avatar
I want to know how the client deals with his late date..
UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES - I don't want to give options or my opinion, I'm just curious.

If you schedule a 90 min outcall with a lady, preferably, on her schedule, because well, she's the companion - and at about 7 when she should be there - she's not there, maybe she hasn't even called.. maybe she has.

The ultimate point - is that SHE IS LATE!

What happens? Do you deduct your time & considerations, leaving the date as planned, wait patiently, cancel, does it depend on the provider?? Does it change you mood? Change the way you felt about the provider beforehand?

Insight, would be great. I have no desire to argue or badger anyone or their views, I'm really just wondering how you deal with your provider being late. =) It's common for we providers, is it common for hobbyists too?
This is right on the cusp of NCNS. I give no allowances for an NCNS. That is just me. Most people will say something like, "shit happens." I say that even in the most extreme situation, unless the provider is unconscious, she should at least call. That wipes out the NCNS.

Now, to get to the question asked. If a lady is going to be late, I prefer she call and let me know as soon as she does and give me an estimate of how late she will be. If I have to wait until she shows up w/o knowing, I will assume she blew me off (not in the good way), and if she does arrive, I'll be pissed and it'll ruin the session. I can't recover from the feeling that the provider didn't care enough to call and say she was running late. Most providers think something like, "it was only the one hour donation." I'm here to tell you several hundred dollars is not "only" to me. It's real money, and I feel like it's been stolen from me and not traded.

Bottom line, it doesn't affect the donation (even though I wish it would). But it does affect my willingness to see her a second time. They say consumers' greatest power is voting with their feet. And that's what I do. And then I do the review.
elcid180's Avatar
nother consideration is if you are meeting during the day and the guy is taking time off from work for the meeting. There is nothing more frustrating then trying to make contact and continually getting voice mail. If the date is going to get blown call. I would assume that the ladies would prefer to be notified if the guy is not going to show up and the sooner the better, I feel that works as a 2 way street.

Those of us that have a short leash are limited as far as time and availabilty to receive calls. But in this day and age there are multiple ways of reaching an individual.

Now with all that being said I think each meeting is unique. Having been burned several times I find that trying to confirm at least 24 hours ahead of time is a good practice whether via telephone or email. Since I am old and decrepit my eyes are not what they once were so texting is not really an option as I cannot carry around a 30" phone.
gimme_that's Avatar
Her arriving late wouldnt affect my mood in the session. By then I'm pussy struck and just happy shes finally there. All is forgiven. lol

Will it affect me booking again maybe. Just depends on how good she is. For me I book multihours, so its much harder to have a plan B, so if she had a late cancel I wouldnt call her again unless she communicated it.

Its highly unlikely for any reason I would cancel or be late since its outcall. I have become accustomed to ladies I have seen being 30min to 2 hours late, unfortunately. Only 2 initiated a call to say they would be a tad late. All the others only responded after of course I called. But I hate calling at that point because i confirmed when I checked in the room. It feels like your stalking and doing too much to provide her business at that point.

I usually leave a vmail or text and say if she cant show up in an hour... I could just cancel and try to see someone else.
atlcomedy's Avatar
This is right on the cusp of NCNS......

Now, to get to the question asked. If a lady is going to be late, I prefer she call and let me know as soon as she does and give me an estimate of how late she will be. If I have to wait until she shows up w/o knowing, I will assume she blew me off (not in the good way), and if she does arrive, I'll be pissed and it'll ruin the session. I can't recover from the feeling that the provider didn't care enough to call and say she was running late.. Originally Posted by charlestudor2005
First of all to answer the original question: the clock starts when she shows up. If she shows up at 8 for a 7 o'clock 90 minute session she should depart approx 9:30. I have never, ever had a date not understand that.

Second, I've just come to the conclusion that many providers work on some variation of "stripper time" -- that is they are always running late. So I've just learned to build up to half an hour for their tardiness -- whatever the excuse (and if you live in a large city, traffic is a legit excuse we all deal with) as long as I get my full time. In fact one of the reasons I like outcalls is when she is late I can do something productive with my time; I'm not sitting in some hotel parking lot twiddling my thumbs when she is late to her incall.

Like Charles, if she is seriously late I'll just cancel; & I have no qualms about doing it. Either she'll rush me or I'll be in a bad mood & it will impact my enjoyment. When in doubt follow your insticts. They are usually pretty good.

Typically when they get to be 10 minutes late I'll call just to check in. If I get some BS about being just around the corner then another 10 minutes go by I'll go ahead and cancel. How they respond on the phone is critical to me deciding whether or not to keep the appt. Is the story credible? Are they contrite? Do they even pickup the phone? If all I get is sent to voicemail after about 3 calls over say 10 minutes I'll leave a message to the effect of, "Since you are late and not answering your phone I'm going to have to assume some emergency came up. No worries. But I am considering our appointment today to be cancelled."

Of course if this is someone I've seen before they get more leeway and the benefit of the doubt...

nother consideration is if you are meeting during the day and the guy is taking time off from work for the meeting.. Originally Posted by elcid180
The best advice I ever heard given to a provider (from another provider) is, "If he can afford your fee, his time is as valuable if not more valuable than yours..."
gimme_that's Avatar
Dianas sig line:

"I do not accept cancellations/tardiness. You select your own appt& time. Stick w|it, Or we'll NEVERre-schedule."

I think cancellations are totally different. If she told me four to six hours or before the paid hotel outcall appointment she couldnt make it for an overnight we are definitely still cool. At least at that point I'm prescreened and can see her another time with less initial problems. If she is touring and required a deposit to tour Id expect that back paid in full. Vice versa on deposit for me.

But I figure based upon your sigline any cancellation at all by a hobbyist would be out of line totally? What is your personal time frame for someone to cancel. If the guys was verified with references he definitely would like to see you and was serious in his inquiry. Do you have a time cushion before a client can cancel or do you just write them off your list right then and there no matter how early they cancel?

I feel on both sides we all need to be respectful of others time.
rachet3375's Avatar
Excellent thread DDT (acronym from the past heh?) Have been on both sides of this a time or two. I really hate showing up at the second call of a two call check in and (a) get straight to VM or (b) sorry Hon, can we push it back 30 min? an hour? I might wait for (b) depending on how much leeway I have in my schedule but (a) just really upsets me. IF I can get ahold of her the next day an excuse or a reason is in order with a possible reschedule. Rarely do I get a discount for the make-up session but it has happened and I am grateful and will most likely see her again. Had an incall session for 3:00pm once and even with careful planning on travel time road work caused me to be 5 mins late. Nothing was said except "I'm sorry" on my part and we went on with the session. At 3:55pm it was clear that the clock had run out and it wa stime for me to go. We had an excellent time mind you but my session started at 3:00 with or without me. I had nothing but respect for that, my bad. It works both ways, what is good for teh gander should be good for the goose. Just my opinion. Kinda like gimme that, I too am pussy struck, therein lies the problem.
GneissGuy's Avatar
Sadly, a large percentage of providers apparently can't work a watch or don't give a shit. They know/think they can get away with it.

Even among the less flaky ones, there's often a bit of a difficulty keeping a schedule, answering the phone to make the appointment, and selective amnesia about the problems later.

I'm less likely to see a lady again if she has too much of a problem keeping a schedule.

Then again, a number of hot ladies are in this business to start with because they can't manage to keep schedules and commitments.
atlcomedy's Avatar
Excellent thread DDT . I really hate showing up at the second call of a two call check in and (a) get straight to VM or (b) sorry Hon, can we push it back 30 min? an hour? I might wait for (b) depending on how much leeway I have in my schedule but (a) just really upsets me.......... Kinda like gimme that, I too am pussy struck, therein lies the problem. Originally Posted by rachet3375
It sounds like you are referring to an incall vs. an outcall....

Anywho...I have little to no tolerance for her being unable to make her own incall appointment (unless she is trying to accomodate my schedule and is upfront about it, like, "I will try to be there at noon but I can't promise anything. I'm coming from across town and my class doesn't get out until 11:30 that morning...).

I build sometime into my travel for contingencies. So if I don't hit traffic I'm usually 10-15 minutes early because I know my tardiness (usually) is deducted from my time. I'll wait until 3-4 minutes before the appt & only then advise her I'm there

BTW, I think the no cancellation policy is a little harsh...but who am I to say & if business is that good more power to her.
Eccie Addict's Avatar
I have never nor will I ever take time off from work for a session for the simple fact that I am already paying for the session and paying even more by taking time off from work. My luck the one time I do I would get NCNS. Talk about being pissed, that would put me on edge.

I have had to cancel before due to unforeseen circumstances. That is just life. I have had providers cancel on me and ncns me as well. A couple even gave me a hell of a deal on the next meeting which was so appreciated as that is a rare thing. If a lady is late for a meeting for me I don't really have a problem with it as long as she communicates with me. If they are more than 30 minutes late and don't communicate with me then I won't try to see them again.

Just have enough respect for each others time to communicate with each other.
Good question DDT

Being late is horrible. Especially to an outcall. Ten minutes would be it.

And I would cancel the appt with the provider. If good directions were given, time made for travel and horrible traffic, why were they late?. No excuse.
Sadly, a large percentage of providers apparently can't work a watch Originally Posted by GneissGuy
That statement is true pre-BCD. Once they are BCD, they suddenly can watch a clock like a well-honed missile takes aim at its target.
grahamcracker's Avatar
You are waiting in your hotel room. Your 2 hr. apt is for 8 with a well reviewed low volume escort. Eight comes and goes. After ten minutes you try calling. Perhaps she is lost, at the wrong place, or whatever. There could be a million reasons. You get either a mailbox is full or another sorry the person you are trying to reach is unavailable. Maybe she is in a dead zone. Another ten minutes goes by and you call again with no answer. You call every ten minutes gor the next hour. You feel like you are imposing after the third call.

When do you give up and write it off? One time after a 60 minute wait I called another provider that I had seen before. She was available and willing to see me in 99 minutes. A little over two hours after our originaly scheduled time the first provider shows up (10:15) Says sorry for being late and asking for her fee. I said no, our apt was for 8 and since she never responded to my 4 or 5 calls that I had to assume that she was a no show and that I made alternative plans. She was indignant saying that she called me and my cell must not be working
and that she was entitled to the fee. I asked
to see her phone to prove it. She refused.

I gave her gas money and she finally left but it killed my spirits for the evening. To this day I wonder when being late constitutes being a NCNS?
Gryphon's Avatar
First of all to answer the original question: the clock starts when she shows up. If she shows up at 8 for a 7 o'clock 90 minute session she should depart approx 9:30. I have never, ever had a date not understand that.

Second, I've just come to the conclusion that many providers work on some variation of "stripper time" -- that is they are always running late. So I've just learned to build up to half an hour for their tardiness -- whatever the excuse (and if you live in a large city, traffic is a legit excuse we all deal with) as long as I get my full time. In fact one of the reasons I like outcalls is when she is late I can do something productive with my time; I'm not sitting in some hotel parking lot twiddling my thumbs when she is late to her incall.

Like Charles, if she is seriously late I'll just cancel; & I have no qualms about doing it. Either she'll rush me or I'll be in a bad mood & it will impact my enjoyment. When in doubt follow your insticts. They are usually pretty good.

Typically when they get to be 10 minutes late I'll call just to check in. If I get some BS about being just around the corner then another 10 minutes go by I'll go ahead and cancel. How they respond on the phone is critical to me deciding whether or not to keep the appt. Is the story credible? Are they contrite? Do they even pickup the phone? If all I get is sent to voicemail after about 3 calls over say 10 minutes I'll leave a message to the effect of, "Since you are late and not answering your phone I'm going to have to assume some emergency came up. No worries. But I am considering our appointment today to be cancelled."

Of course if this is someone I've seen before they get more leeway and the benefit of the doubt...

The best advice I ever heard given to a provider (from another provider) is, "If he can afford your fee, his time is as valuable if not more valuable than yours..." Originally Posted by atlcomedy
What he said.
DianaDeepthroats's Avatar
I, have a little brother who has ADD and asthma - goes to school RIGHT up the street, if I ever pull a fast one on anyone - it's family related. ALWAYS.

I typically don't have guys cancel.. but the whole canceling last minute, is a bunch of bullshit. THAT is where I stand with that. But, period, my signature states what it does, so that people know - Let Me Schedule With Her When I have The Time.. some say I'm hard up, but I'm simply not going to be jerked around. I feel like, guys know their time frames & limits and everything before they call to schedule. I am not a HOUR MINIMUM chick.. so maybe they feel like - oh, I'll only be there for 30 mins, I can be 30 minutes late.. No, You Can Not.

I've been having this issue a lot lately - LAST MINUTE CANCELLATIONS. So last minute, that I'm at my incall - waiting for him to say he needs to know where to turn to find my bldg, he's calling me to cancel. NOT OK.

and then..

If you inquire about scheduling a 5pm... then ask to change it 430, but then.. you call at 4:10 asking for directions from the opposite side of the city, which is going to take you 45 minutes - should I not just cancel on you? Instead hoping you make it here by 5? Why not just keep the 5pm instead of making me lose a couple hours. I don't know how other ladies work, but I like a few hours of "me time" in btwn - even if it's just 90minutes. I like to refresh, regroup, & revise - handle errands, if need be. Which is why, I like to keep a schedule. But, if 3 men all come late to their appointments, they've interfered with each other's time, my time & my mood. - I'm just saying, from my standpoint.

If you inquire days, even HOURS in advance - will it kill you to tell me ASAP that you have to cancel? Maybe - 30 minutes - 45 minutes.. if it's been longer - an hour. Just ASAP.

"I feel on both sides we all need to be respectful of others time."

But I figure based upon your sigline any cancellation at all by a hobbyist would be out of line totally? What is your personal time frame for someone to cancel. If the guys was verified with references he definitely would like to see you and was serious in his inquiry. Do you have a time cushion before a client can cancel or do you just write them off your list right then and there no matter how early they cancel?

I feel on both sides we all need to be respectful of others time. Originally Posted by gimme_that