Good in the world

  • Joan
  • 05-07-2012, 11:31 PM
I sometimes forget to lock my door. Yes, I forget It's 2012t vs. the 50's! LOL

This morning, I forgot. Little did I know, I was being "watched

When I woke today. ALL my valuables were gone! I filled a police report...the whole nine yards,

Distrought, I accepted my loss.

Later, a neighbougour boy stopped by my place for some reason and asked for a a cigarette. I told him he could have 12 if thats what he truly wanted. I inquired much about his childhood and was ....I guess ...motherly-ish... He wore a black huddie. I never thought anything of it.

I told him ,my story (of the robbery). He sat stilL ....I thought I was marley venting.

.....I Dont konw how he did it, but,when I least noticed. HE returned all of my things.
  • Joan
  • 05-07-2012, 11:34 PM
...Cash, DL,. ....In the same place I left it.
Wow what a story!!!! That is def somethin newsworthy babe!!! Despite the suckiness of losing your precious items temporarily, it's nice to know that this young boy had a bit of a conscience. He def had some balls though to come back around.
When you say you don't know how he did it, do you mean you never saw him return it?... Did he put everything by the door, or sneak it all back in? Was the door unlocked again? So I'm wondering, how did you know he was responsible for bringing it all back? Hmmm I wonder if he brought it all back on behalf of a troublemaker brother/ friend who was a thief by nature or something, or of indeed the act was all him. Also when he asked for a cig why did you offer 12 cigs? Was just curious.

Again, what carrr-azzzy story. Glad you got your things back and that in the end you were ok.
  • Joan
  • 05-08-2012, 12:20 AM
Dear EE;

No I didn't. The police also searched my place.. This boy is a good boy. I wish I could be in the position to give him the world.

  • Joan
  • 05-08-2012, 12:30 AM
....And I just fuckin read your last sentence......get off the coke!!!
Ummmm wtf ??!! What are you talking about?? Lmao.
  • Joan
  • 05-08-2012, 12:41 AM
Uhmmmm,,,,,,,,Be nice!
Ummm, me saying that I'm glad everything turned our ok and that after a robbery you were ok implies cocain??!! Ummm dude, explain yourself after that weird tourrettes moment Pleeeeaaase.
Wait what??!!! Again... A young boy who robbed you blind then asked for a cig, um or 12, then gave it all back after you accommodated is a good boy?? Lady you've lost me. I honestly was the only one who seemed to be interested enough to reply to your post and truly was intrigued out of curiosity, then furthered my position by merely stating that i was glad the irony worked out in your favor and that all was ok w you. Where the fuck do you get off throwing out coke comments? And sending one liner be nice posts??!!

Ok then, I've officially seen it all guys.
  • Joan
  • 05-08-2012, 12:46 AM
You know what, You are right. I' am sorry.
  • Joan
  • 05-08-2012, 12:49 AM
I like older men actually :-)
...Cash, DL,. ....In the same place I left it. Originally Posted by Joan
Still a bit confused, are you letting us know that he indeed never took your cash or dl, ( not sure why he'd want the DL) or that he put it all right back in same place? Which would mean he had full access AFTER what happend.

Seriously babe, I was just being a curious " recipient" after YOU posted a very interesting thread. I'm still not sure why you're biting my head off and then coming at me w cocain weirdness.
I like older men actually :-) Originally Posted by Joan
Wow.... Okay I'm officially under the assumption we are on two VERY different pages...... I'm just weirded out now. Peace out lady. Have a great rest of the night.
  • Joan
  • 05-08-2012, 01:01 AM
Do you want a confirmation number? I have a restraining order against a person. Why are you being cruel?