You know you're getting old when.......

  • hd
  • 04-29-2011, 08:37 AM
I ask my spouse or a neighbor to be nearby when I'm on the ladder cleaning the rain gutters!

you know.....someone to call 911
DallasRain's Avatar
BuzzKill's Avatar
only gets one response....oh wait, this makes two, never mind.
London Rayne's Avatar
You know you're getting old when you get denied insurance for your hub a round.

You know you're getting old when "Life Alert" has to tell you when you're in a coma.
Naomi4u's Avatar
You know you're getting old when you get denied insurance for your hub a round. Originally Posted by London Rayne

I'm LOL'd so hard right now.
shorty's Avatar
You know your getting old when your wife asks you to clean the roof off and she's on the phone with the Life Insurance Co. wanting to know the amount of the policy!!
London Rayne's Avatar
You know your getting old when your wife asks you to clean the roof off and she's on the phone with the Life Insurance Co. wanting to know the amount of the policy!! Originally Posted by shorty
You know you're getting old if your Life Insurance has an expiration date!
shorty's Avatar
Actually I do know of someone that did have a expiration date on the Life Ins. Policy.
London Rayne's Avatar
Uhhh it's supposed to expire when you're dead!
shorty's Avatar
Not this one!! It was some BS policy. It tell you more later on.
I realized that I have shoes older than the Playmate of the Month. That I still wear.
burkalini's Avatar
When the obits are full of people born around the same time as you.
pyramider's Avatar
When you are old enough to be the father of any Playmate. Or when you suddenly change from looking at the centerfold first to seeing who the interview is with and then reading the interview.
Guest062512's Avatar
... if you have more hair in you nose and ears then on your head.
geecue's Avatar
When after seeing a young lady and chatting and relaxing, she says,"you are as old as my dad." Boy what a buzz kill.