cum like crazy or bang all day

with the age old fear a guy has of cumming to quick in a session now tempered now tempered by the long lasting effects of the little blue pill here is an interesting hypothetical. if a session with a girl you have been wanting, longing to bang for a while could occur and would cost you 1 set price say 300.00 and 1 of 2 scenarios was to occur which would you choose.

scenario 1 your session would allow you to cover all the bases ie bbbj, daty dfk but after about 40 minutes you explode into the most powerful amazing orgasm you have ever had but then you will not be able to get hard in time for a second round.

scenario 2 you find yourself able to do every activity you ever dreamed about and the provider will allow you to continue at no extra charge for up to 3 hours but you will never complete. no orgasm no ejaculation just a whole lot of activities. but you leave the room as hard as you came in and balls bluer than the ocean.

which scenario do you choose. i take scenario 2. a session to me is not so much about cumming as i can accomplish that on my own but rather about doing the things with and to the girls i have dream ted about doing. i like the laundry list of menu options and love to repeat. if i never came it would be ok

just an odd thought but would love to know your feelings.

girls assuming you had no other appointments following this one and no other urgent matters would you prefer to get the guy the climax of his life and send him on his way a bit early knowing he is 100 percent satisfied or would you prefer to enjoy him pounding away into unpaid overtime ensuring you of great activity and him leaving unemptied but incredibly happy.
  • Leta
  • 05-02-2011, 09:46 AM
I thought the ejaculation was the happy ending. You don't have to do it quckly but I do want you to get there.
wanna get there. i think the question i had in this hypothetical is if we had to choose between just a great orgasm perhaps to quick and without continuing after or great extended time multi position full menu sex without reaching that happy ending which would we choose. both options are great but have their downside if you had to take 1 or the other which would you choose.
shorty's Avatar
Well scenario #2 is alittle unusual but it can happen. If your one of these guys, its only fair to warn the lady beforehand, so she doesn't get mad or feels bad because she didn't get you off. Just don't treat her like a fuck toy unless that's what the session is scheduled for. For some of us, getting a nut isn't the main focus when with a lady.
are unlikely they are afterall hypothetical and most of us would not take advantage of the time situation i guess i just put in the scenarios to get an idea what is most important in a seesion / provider and how important certain aspects of the deed ie cumming / numerous activities are to our overall enjoyment. my point is simply while i love to orgasm intensly i would gladly trade that pleasure for more menu items /time even if i di not complete a finnish. just food for thought
Well scenario #2 is alittle unusual but it can happen. If your one of these guys, its only fair to warn the lady beforehand, so she doesn't get mad or feels bad because she didn't get you off. Just don't treat her like a fuck toy unless that's what the session is scheduled for. For some of us, getting a nut isn't the main focus when with a lady. Originally Posted by shorty
burkalini's Avatar
If all we want is a good orgasm we really don't have to see anyone for that. It's also free. lol. A great experience is in the actions not the culmination. How many times have you extended your release because you were just having a great time. I also love to see my partner have a good time also. If she is willing then I would prefer covering all the menu items. It also lets you see where all of her talents are. On the other side sometimes you just want to fuck and (Get a nut as they say)
assessment to a t i just think its an interesting hypothetical
If all we want is a good orgasm we really don't have to see anyone for that. It's also free. lol. A great experience is in the actions not the culmination. How many times have you extended your release because you were just having a great time. I also love to see my partner have a good time also. If she is willing then I would prefer covering all the menu items. It also lets you see where all of her talents are. On the other side sometimes you just want to fuck and (Get a nut as they say) Originally Posted by burkalini
Willen's Avatar
I in fact have experienced something like your scenario #2. I was with an ATF and it was fabulous and intense exchange of pleasure. I know her well enough to know that her reactions were genuine. Somewhere we passed the point where I could attain a happy ending. Eventually she realized that my train was not going to leave the station and started to redouble her efforts on my behalf. But I brought this to a halt because I in no way needed to finish. The pleasure had been that exquisite. Afterwards she was slightly upset, thinking that she had not fulfilled her part of the arrangement. Try as I might to assure her that I'd had one of my best sessions ever, she was still bothered.

So scenario #2 is not wishful thinking, but I have to say that I prefer #1 as a general rule.
Dragon7769's Avatar
Been on both sides of this question. I will say they were both tons of fun. But the provider took a hit to her pride by not being able to get me off. Just something that happens with me occasionally. Since I see her regularly she takes it as a challenge but believes me when I tell her its just not gunna happen which is rare.

I guess I would take option 1 if I had to choose for a provider I got to see regularly
And option 2 if it was a one time only sort of encounter.
London Rayne's Avatar
Based on experience, most guys go for option 2. They want to try and squeeze in as many nuts as possible rather than just relaxing and enjoying the experience. I find this most difficult with shorter dates such as an hour, which is why I book more extended dates first. Bottom line, is the longer you hold out the more pleasing and powerful your explosion will be.
DallasRain's Avatar
ditto with London!

I like to just 'go with the flow & let happen what may happen"
I don't know that I have a preference either way, both sorts of sessions can be fun. But if you know going in that you aren't going to finish please say something. I feel indelicate having to say "Hey, we're about out of time, we need to hit the homestretch now" and when I get back the response "Oh I'm not going to cum" it is a leeeeetle bit irritating.
London Rayne's Avatar
I don't know that I have a preference either way, both sorts of sessions can be fun. But if you know going in that you aren't going to finish please say something. I feel indelicate having to say "Hey, we're about out of time, we need to hit the homestretch now" and when I get back the response "Oh I'm not going to cum" it is a leeeeetle bit irritating. Originally Posted by SillyGirl
Ha! I am under SillyGirl, but do agree. So many times they "think" they can go again, and are surprised how fast an hour can go by. I don't mind an extra 10 min. but I do in fact have a 90 min. rate...duh! It's nothing to go over when I am at home and have that day all to myself, but when you are touring it's rather difficult.
gimme_that's Avatar
So long as the provider has the motivation, energy, and sexual dexterity to accommodate. I'm not so concerned about getting that one big overwhelming orgasm....because when it is time it will come for me. I usually have multiple orgasms before I have the big her sexual stamina and being able to accommodate mine so that I could please her would mean more to me. Especially on multi hours.
and comments from both the girls and the guys keep em cumming