Tree Bark/ Frank /et al STILL posting as Kristine Adorable

Moderators - please , isn't there something you can do to stop this jerk ? It was bad enough that he continues to be on here under a series of different handles , assuming one handle after another , after being Banned . But now he is posting as Kristine Adorable. She was and is foolish & trusting enough to ask him to " help " her set up her account and maybe help her with screening her clients . BUT TB/ Frank has taken this too far . He has her password and despite her pleas & attempts to have him stop all this , and despite his " promises to stop " , he continues . WTF is wrong with this man ?? Maybe the solution is to BAN or close the " Kristine Adorable " account and let her sign up BY HERSELF under a new handle , with a NEW password that she doesn't ( hopefully if she is telling the truth here about not wanting him to be involved ) share with anyone .
wantsome's Avatar
It would seem pretty simple. Can't she just change the password?
markslimmer's Avatar
It would seem pretty simple. Can't she just change the password? Originally Posted by wantsome

It is pretty simple!
Loki Pk's Avatar
It is pretty simple! Originally Posted by markslimmer
This assumes she had the password to begin with.
If you think KA has EVER posted ANYTHING in ANY forum... I think you'd be mistaken. Frank has been posting for her since day 1.

markslimmer's Avatar
I am sure this will be banned......but I am sure some one.....knows someone with a unsed baseball bat laying around......looking to be used.

If he has the pass word of a provider then what other info does he have of those of us in the hobby?

This guy has to go away...........forever!!
You should have seen me fuck around with him in pm's when he was using her handle....
It would be so cool to post them somewhere.....
Funny how the date with her fizzled out in the end.....
Some day I'd actually like to converse with her... and then stick my dick in her waiting mouth....
but I digress......

edit add: and would it be too much trouble for one of you fucktards to give me a heads up when something entertaining happens here??
I'd hate to have to come here EVERY day and create my own brand of trouble.....
Autumn Bolan's Avatar
I heard from a reliable source that all "three" of these members have been seen by a reputable Provider, and they are indeed three different people.
Anyways, use this info to draw whatever conclusion you want. Just an FYI.
Frank Pierce, TreeBark, Eddie Lewis.
I heard from a reliable source that all "three" of these members have been seen by a reputable Provider, and they are indeed three different people.
Anyways, use this info to draw whatever conclusion you want. Just an FYI.
Frank Pierce, TreeBark, Eddie Lewis. Originally Posted by Autumn Bolan
You and your reputable source on this matter are absolutely wrong ! It's time to let this Tree Bark / Frank Pierce / Eddie Lewis drama die. It's over , all these handles are banned or disabled , and the moderators are aware of this . Time for everyone to move on ! Autumn ,
If you want a better explanation as to why I know this feel free to contact me by PM.
Autumn Bolan's Avatar
No need for an explanation, I could care less.
I'm left agreeing with Rodosh.
And if Iggy agrees with Roadrash....
Double Fuck.
I'm left agreeing with Rodosh.
And if Iggy agrees with Roadrash....
Double Fuck. Originally Posted by Paulwantsya
The eccie illuminati has finally left me out of it!!! Hallelujah!!
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Autumn Bolan's Avatar
My source was wrong. They are all the same.
I honestly believe somewhere there was a misunderstanding, as two people where this originated are both on the level.
For a minute there....
Autumn Bolan's Avatar
Ya I get it. I was only admitting my mistake.