So I was chatting with one of girlfriends and the subject of medicaid and Trump wanting to depose of it came up. Would anyone here know what the replacement will be? Thanks.
Originally Posted by R.M.
1. Original Medicaid signed into law by LBJ won't be replaced. However, you have to be really poor to qualify for "Original Medicaid". To qualify you would have be a family of 4 and make less than $16,000. This is considered the poverty level.
2. To qualify for Expanded Medicaid you would have be a family of 4 and make less than $24,000. Not all states took the Expanded Medicaid money from the Fed. The state of Texas does not have Expanded Medicaid. There are only two states in the south that took it (Arkansas and Kentucky) What state does your girlfriend live in? Only 31 out of the 50 states took the ACA "Expanded Medicaid"
3. Expanded Medicaid which is a part of the ACA bill signed into law by Obama, could be replaced once the repeal is completed. The republicans like Mitch McConnell and others are saying the full replacement could take 3 years. The republicans will have to discuss in committee what the replacement bill will look like.
4. Trump did make that statement that is in post #2. The only two things that Trump has said in public about the ACA that he wants to keep is "Children can stay on their parents insurance plan until age 26 and people with pre-existing conditions can't be denied coverage.
5. I would agree with Bino that your friend will probably be okay. However, there isn't any "Expanded Medicaid" in the state of Texas. If your friend is getting help from the state of Texas it is something other than "Expanded Medicaid".