Tabletop Game Recommendations

Jake B's Avatar
So, I am looking for a tabletop game that isn't DnD. Looking for something that a casual gamer could easily pickup on and jump right in. I was over at a friend's the other day and we played Sheriff of Nottingham. It was straight forward, easy to pickup and we all had a blast. Does anyone have any recommendations? I'm an avid DnD fan, and want to drag some friends into it BUT I want to start them off with something simple first to entice them to try more tabletop games.
Ravasher's Avatar
Try settlers of catan or ticket to ride
Luke Skywalker's Avatar
MagicFingers's Avatar
Fate: Core would be my first recommendation. It's easy to adapt to various settings, doesn't really have a default setting of its own (for instance, DnD uses Forgotten Realms, etc). It's character creation system is pretty popular, particularly how Aspects and such work, some people use it in place of the one in other systems (DnD 5, Pathfinder, etc).

If you want to go heavy on the storytelling and not worry so much about stats and dice, Dungeon World may be of interest. It's light on rules and heavy on group interaction and storytelling.

Savage Worlds might also be of interest.
Jake B's Avatar
Thanks for the recommendations, including dominos. . Time to YouTube how to play those!
The Proper Stranger's Avatar
There are a ton of great games these days of all stripes, from a quick 15 minute or so pick up and play to an all day in depth gaming affair. One of my favorite quick, easy, and fun ones os Love Letter. The previously mentioned Settlers of Catan is a classic, and Ticket to Ride can be quite fun as well. One place you may want to look for ideas is the Tabletop series on YouTube. Wil Wheaton and various folks playing a variety of games that gives a good feel for each one.
Jake B's Avatar
@Stranger: Thanks. I discovered Geek and Sundry thanks to you and am now in love. With the Channel, not you.
The Proper Stranger's Avatar
Glad to help. I need to check out more of the G&S channel from time to time. I find it hard to get enough Felicia Day.