I find it funny....

I find it funny that if you defend a provider's stance in a thread against the pack of wolves, a lot of them whip out the 'white knight' label. They insist you must have been with her and are now whipped into agreeing with everything she says. So you should be ignored on that basis alone. Convenient.

It has happened to me and oddly I haven't been with any of the providers over whom I was labeled a WK. Should we also assume that the wolves are so adamantly against this provider because she would NOT see them?

Instead of assuming we are WK's though, they should consider this possibility.

Maybe, just maybe, we think they're wrong and we think the provider is right on the issue. I know this seems radical, but this is America.

Ladies, what do you think of the WK label?
I like the little icon.
Any man who uses "white knight" as an insult instantly goes onto my DNS list. The idea that defending a woman's honor or reputation makes a man weak is not only disgusting, it's the creed of cowards and losers.
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 09-17-2011, 06:49 PM
If i had a nickel for every time i was called a white knight....

Don't let 'em get to ya. It says more about them than it says about you.
The one who labels others as WK's is taking the easy way out. It is his defense mechanism. "Holy Crap! Someone disagrees with me, he must be a white knight".
We all know he is usually cheap and not a gentleman. I'm just saying....
I think it depends on the context of the discussion or thread.

If someone is defending a provider with the selfish motive of ingratiating himself with that provider, then the white knight label is appropriate.

Sometimes a provider falls victim to hobby vampires and it's just doing the right thing to voice condemnation of such behavior.

The whole "white knight" thing is just a weird message board dynamic. I have met many providers from this board. Even banged them! LOLz. Wouldn't I be more inclined to defend them rather than some dudes I have never met and probably never will?
  • MrGiz
  • 09-17-2011, 07:50 PM
Maybe... just maybe... the wolves who are always first to howl "White Knight" are simply hair trigger misogynists.

... just a hunch
Naomi4u's Avatar
Any man who uses "white knight" as an insult instantly goes onto my DNS list. The idea that defending a woman's honor or reputation makes a man weak is not only disgusting, it's the creed of cowards and losers. Originally Posted by AngelOK
This. Enough said.
Budman's Avatar
Angel and Naomi, put me on your DNS list.

I do not believe that just because you agree with a provider you are a WK. I do believe there are many pussy whipped WK's on this board that suck up to their pet provider in the hope they will be loved or gain some favor from said provider. For instance ???? hobbyist review a provider and it is not a flattering review. A WK will automatically jump to the providers defense and in a round about way call the review bullshit. Many of these WK's sugar coat any negative in their reviews for the same reasons. They describe the provider as a petite spinner when in reality she kind of chunky. Be accurate not mean.
I just think the trigger happy presumption by many that a guy is trying to win favor with a provider just because he takes her side in something is a weak form of logic and is the Eccie equivalent of 'Oh, yeah?'.....in other words, "I don't have a comeback for that".
burkalini's Avatar
I just think the trigger happy presumption by many that a guy is trying to win favor with a provider just because he takes her side in something is a weak form of logic and is the Eccie equivalent of 'Oh, yeah?'.....in other words, "I don't have a comeback for that". Originally Posted by starlitejazz

I guess you don't have that issue since you haven't reviewed anyone.
Any man who uses "white knight" as an insult instantly goes onto my DNS list. The idea that defending a woman's honor or reputation makes a man weak is not only disgusting, it's the creed of cowards and losers. Originally Posted by AngelOK
Im no WK, but I hate it when the wolf pack gangs up on anyone, especially a provider. It happens frequently on the Kansascity board with the provider Nikki. These guys like to work themselves up into mass-hysteria and would, if possible burn the poor girl at the stake for not being 100% available for them to f__K at will. Any protest, anything in her life that gets in the way of their cumpulsion for her and she is lambasted for it. It has gotten kind of absurd.
Sweet N Little's Avatar
If i had a nickel for every time i was called a white knight....

Don't let 'em get to ya. It says more about them than it says about you. Originally Posted by Doove
Delete...bad girl
Lovin50's Avatar
Im no WK, but I hate it when the wolf pack gangs up on anyone, especially a provider. It happens frequently on the Kansascity board with the provider Nikki. These guys like to work themselves up into mass-hysteria and would, if possible burn the poor girl at the stake for not being 100% available for them to f__K at will. Any protest, anything in her life that gets in the way of their cumpulsion for her and she is lambasted for it. It has gotten kind of absurd. Originally Posted by buzzworm86

+1 buzz, I can't stand for those who think just because they pay their way it is fine to act like that with any woman. Yes, It is America, and you can give me all the BS you want to and if I choose to say WTF? or ignore it I will. and if I want to support someone else who I know or don't know then I can. Just don't take it personal and and do/say what ever you are comfortable with.
I guess you don't have that issue since you haven't reviewed anyone. Originally Posted by burkalini
What does him not reviewing anyone have to do with anything he said?

Just because he doesn't have any reviews on here doesn't mean he's not an active participant in the hobby. For example, I don't have any reviews on this site because I was in a commited relationship for a couple of years, in which I participated only sporadicaly, that just recently ended so I'm just getting back in. Before that though I was very active. I have a couple of old reviews on ter still, and I had a bunch on escorts.com before that closed.

Now I'm not saying I agree with him. What I'm trying to say is just because he doesn't have any reviews on here doesn't mean he doesn't participate or make his opinion or views any less valid, IMO.