
I'm pretty new to this, and I've been reading several reviews to decide who I should go to... But I have a few questions about some acronyms that I don't know what they mean. So I was hoping that someone might be able to help me out...
For example I've seen several people talking about breasts and use the acronym MM, what does that mean?
And the other one is when people use dollar signs like $$.5 or $$ under the fee... What do those mean?
  • PT4ME
  • 11-11-2010, 11:10 AM
MM = "man made(s)" as in implants, enhancements, whatever you wanna call it, it's a "boob job"

"$" USUALLY means "one hundred dollars", $$ "two hundred" "$$$ "three hundred" etc. etc.

What follows the decimal is "of $100 dollars, lol, not "cents"

soooooooooooo......... $$.5 would be two hundred and fifty dollars... hope this helps, and before you get beat up too badly by the board, "search" is indeed your friend, and hope this helps you some.

With April 2010 as a join date, not sure "new to this" is gonna fly real well, but good luck, and happy hobbying!!

It isn't always definitive, but my crutch of choice is Good luck finding your way around this world.
Janine's Avatar
what does ddfm mean?
Omahan's Avatar
God I hate acronyms. So many people just make them up and expect everyone to understand them. There must be 100 definitions of GFE. I wish people would just say what they mean.
Greek=stupid and icky!
what does ddfm mean? Originally Posted by misstiffy
typically drug and disease free male?

drop dead fucking momma
Charles, what was the new one...

BSC..bat shit crazy?
CAB..crazy ass bitch?
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