Cigarette Fairy - a way to meet people

When traveling alone, one of my favorite things to do is play cigarette fairy. I throw on a torn pair of jeans, a graphic tshirt, And buy a pack of cigarettes. I sit on the sidewalk, Preferably leaning against a lamp post or brick wall and watch the world go by as I very slowly chain smoke the pack.

Now, I don't actually smoke. However, seeing me smoke, those passing by stop and ask for a light or for a cigarette. It's a great way to start up short fun conversations with strangers in a city. All kinds! Street kids, blue collar workers, suites. Every once in a while someone will walk by and toss me some change. The ones that are more consious of details notice tha despite the fashion and sidewalk nesting, I have an iPhone and expensive purse or shoes and they cock their head at me like a confused pup.

My favourite place to do this is Burbon in New Orleans. The last time I was there I met a local poet. He had been in IT, but suffered a mental break down and was never able to go back to the work force. So now he's a starving artist.

We've become penpals and he's been sending me his work. It's astoundingly good!!

I got the idea from a spy movie. The vetran was teaching a newbie, and explaied he should alway have a pack of smokes because asking for a light is a great way to start a conversation with strangers.